Whistleblowers Claim NOAA Rushed Contentious ‘Pause’ Buster Study Despite Reservations



By: - Climate DepotNovember 19, 2015 9:04 AM with 901 comments

Note: CFACT’s new skeptical documentary, Climate Hustle, is set to rock the UN climate summit with ‘red carpet’ world premiere in Paris. 



Whistleblowers Claim NOAA Rushed Contentious Climate Paper Despite Reservations

Date: 19/11/15

Lisa Rein, The Washington Post

House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) opened another front in his war with federal climate researchers on Wednesday, saying a groundbreaking global warming study was “rushed to publication” over the objections of numerous scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

In a second letter in less than a week to Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, Smith urged her to pressure NOAA to comply with his subpoena for internal communications. Smith says whistleblowers have come forward with new information on the climate study’s path to publication in June. The study refuted claims that global warming had “paused” or slowed over the past decade, undercutting a popular argument used by those who refute the scientific consensus that man-made pollution is behind global warming.

The research, considered a bombshell in the climate change debate, set off alarms among skeptics. Smith, a prominent congressional skeptic, claimed that scientists manipulated data to advance President Obama’s agenda and timed the study’s release to coincide the the administration’s new limits on emissions from coal plants.

He is seeking NOAA’s internal communications and e-mails among its researchers, and in October subpoenaed Administrator Kathryn Sullivan for the documents. But she has refused to turn them over, saying that deliberative communications between scientists should be protected.

Smith told Pritzker that the whistleblowers’ allegations make it more crucial that he be provided with the scientists’ internal e-mails and communications. If NOAA does not produce the e-mails he is seeking by Friday, the chairman said, “I will be forced to consider use of compulsory process,” a threat to subpoena the commerce secretary herself.

Whistleblowers have told the committee, according to Smith’s letter, that Thomas Karl — the director of NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, which led the study — “rushed” to publish the climate study “before all appropriate reviews of the underlying science and new methodologies” used in the climate data sets were conducted.

Full story


Related Links: 

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Climate scientists to be grilled by congressional investigators, but their e-mails are still off-limits

The Next Climategate? NOAA Refuses To Comply With US Congress Subpoena

Former Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl: Karl et al. hiatus killer is ‘research’ that began with conclusions

  • Robert Miller

    Gee, manipulated data, no peer review, Obama going to climate change summit, hmmmmm..
    Nothing to see here folks, just move on.

    • Ted

      Peer review means absolutely nothing anyway. It doesn’t serve to prove anything, it merely means that a group of like-minded people accept that the report/findings are in line with their thinking.

      • Oldtaxpayer1001

        Reminds me of Islam. I heard that the 7 virgins given to those who die for the cause is true. Also can’t prove it and don’t believe it but I do believe that the man called Jesus gave his life for you and me.

      • Robert Miller

        Of coarse it means something, you seriously believe that any scientific theory or studies should just be accepted on face value, with no review or critic whatsoever? I guess that’s what the global warming/cooling/change would like. Heaven forbid that unfounded concussions and unverified research be accepted without any verification whatsoever, unless it pertains to global heating/cooling/change/whatever research.

        • Ted

          Of course it doesn’t. You seriously want me to accept opinion as proof? You aren’t going to get any paper that contradicts global warming accepted in a “peer review.” Do I get your point? Of Course. Do you get mine? Our positions aren’t mutually exclusive.

          • Robert Miller

            There are many respected scientists and researchers who object to and refute the claims by those that want to push the global warming doctrine. If you wish, you can go ahead and discount them, but they are there,and have made their voices known. Yelling louder and making superfluous claims against their legitimacy does not make the argument stronger, it just shows how much they wish it to be so.

          • Ted

            If I understand you correctly, it’s just a guess, but I think we’re on the same side of the argument.

          • Daniel

            Don’t forget, these globalwarningcoolingclimatechange people aren’t experts in math. When an expert in math looks at how they get their numbers and how their predictions are made, it falls apart. So, not only are they using bad science it is based on bad math.

      • Paul Griggs

        I’m not disagreeing that something might be going on here but peer review is often/usually a very thorough and harsh critique.

        • Ted

          And I can see that I didn’t save myself any time by failing to be more specific (wordy). I agree with you if we put global warming in a class by itself, and I would hope we can agree on the point I made with the other gentlemen- that though it may be rigorous, peer review doesn’t constitute proof in and of itself (though proof may contained therein).

        • The_RS_Gadfly


          I worked as the typesetter on a respected peer-reviewed journal back at the start of my work career. The only harsh words ever spoken were from my editor to my publisher about a copy editor who rewrote an article that had been through peer review to the point that it bore NO resemblance to the submitted article. They decided to resubmit the new article and it was eventually published according to the rewrite.

          Oh, and you got to “suggest” three people who were competent to review your submission. If you were on the suggested list, you were ALWAYS part of the peer review. Huh? Why yes, the publisher did have me compiling the data at the end of the year about the peer review process.

      • uselogic19

        It used to mean something…back in the days of Einstein, Planck, etc. Not anymore. (And yes, I did just see a documentary on Einstein.)

        • Ted

          Therein lies the problem… science used to be revered. The warming fraud has touched everyone. Or perhaps it’s better to say that it’s opened everyone’s eyes (except liberals) to the reality that scientists are just people (except for warming scientists who are animals of a lower order)

    • GWAR44

      I got some warming for Obama…

      • Robert Rivera

        He may enjoy that though.

        • GWAR44

          which one ?

          • Robert Rivera


    • DesertDawg

      Peer review: Code word for the alarmist’s modern day blacklist.

  • Ted

    When it comes to global warming, science isn’t the answer, it’s the problem…

    • 123MarkW

      What science?

  • migtex1234

    LOL, still trying so very hard to push this scam on the un=educated. Most know man cannot change the solar system.

  • dont know anymore

    These people want to get there agenda in place because they know a mini ice age is coming and want to take credit for it by saying “See we where right and now we are seeing the results by the fact that the earth is cooling” It is all one big money scheme to get control of the people and their money.

  • Biytor .

    Not surprised. When you won’t release internal documents that could bolster your argument, it a clear sign you are lying.


      I wonder since Obama is characterizing climate change as the most dangerous threat to the United States that they’ll fall back on a “national security” argument to keep from releasing the documents.

      • Oldtaxpayer1001

        Of course; when they lie they excuse that too. That’s why all you hear are excuses for the lies.

      • gfm2012

        No, don’t release them or the climate might get mad and take revenge – might even cross our border illegally to do so…

      • M A Merkel

        Obama has been, is and continues to be the most dangerous threat to the United States. He personifies the “ENEMY WITHIN”.

  • OutfieldDan

    This may rival the climategate event of a few years ago. The plot deepens – there are whistleblowers, Why are is NOAA so stupid to think they could get away with data manipulation?

    • gene

      They’ve been manipulating data from the start. Who says they won’t get away with it? Nobody will go to jail or lose their job and every leftist will slap them on the shoulder and say good try.

    • Oldtaxpayer1001

      They can’t but they get a large amount of money to look like they try and give the politicians a large amount of money back. It’s called GRAFT.

    • starrrgirl

      because it works. when malfeasance is exposed, they simply double down. they never give up.

    • Paul Griggs

      Some of these government employees are dumber than they are dishonest. I don’t trust any of the political appointees–too many have an agenda.

    • The_RS_Gadfly

      Pretty simple actually. They aren’t thinking about the science or the implications to their integrity. Assuming you believe the reports (which I don’t), they aren’t even thinking about ways to actually reduce or alleviate the impacts. All they are thinking about is where they are going to get funding from for next year. They’re very good at figuring out where the money is coming from and following it.

  • J.E.Walker

    100% political leftist propaganda, zero percent honest & truthful scientific analysis. What a disgrace.

    • darkcontinent

      You win a cupcake for guessing the slogan over the obongo library’s front door.

  • sosorryononame

    I think we should imprison deniers and put a line on tax returns for a 50% carbon tax so Moochelle can have more $10 million vacations.

  • ScottinVA

    No wonder the more fanatical of the warmies want skeptics to be prosecuted.

  • rlhailssrpe

    This is common in a bureaucracy, management technique No. 37, give technical reviewers one day to review a detailed document which took months to write.

    Two conclusions are obvious.

    Any communication between government employees below the policy level, belongs to the public. We paid for and own the “papers” (which are probably digital records). Ergo employees who wipe hard disks with a rag or crash their server, are thieves and should see the inside of a jail cell.

    Until the fact of the hiatus or non hiatus is settled, there can be no progress in Paris on addressing climate change. It may not be changing.

    Government official lie by omission. This must stop.

    • TexasStomp

      I seem to recall the republicans promising in 2010 that if we elected them they would post every bill online, in full, for 72 hours minimum before voting on it. So much for that empty promise.

      • rlhailssrpe

        You comprehend our national political trends.

        If one party lies through its teeth, it does not follow that the other party tells the truth.

        At that point, you look outside the political herd for anyone who is smart and honest. I am still looking.

  • GWAR44

    come on Lamar…it was rushed because of…you guessed it…global warmi….I mean climate change

  • Yu So Wong

    I am so old I can remember when NASA and NOAA were scientific institutions rather than propaganda machines.

    • exGeo

      You can add the US Geological Survey to the list of corrupted agencies.

      • HJD

        And the EPA — just look at what they did in Colorado, with not even a peep out of this Administration!

        • gfm2012

          “Not even a peep out of this Administration”???? Are you serious? They are doing the bidding of the Kenyan betrayer

          • HJD

            Not sure I understand your comment, perhaps you didn’t understand mine. I’m pretty sure we’re on the same page.

          • Hooray for Captain Spaulding

            He understood. he was adding to your comment.

          • HJD

            Why was he asking if I was serious then? I think we’re all so frustrated at this point!

          • Walt99

            The thing is, you are all correct……Now tell me, what have the Obamajarret admin , NOT lied about.???….take your time, no rush, we’re not going any God bless me anywhere…..

        • 123MarkW

          And the IRS, Homeland Security, Justice Dept, …
          Heck, pretty much any agency with more than one employee.

        • dwstick

          And about as much ‘outrage’ from our lapdog, lamestream news media!

        • VendicarDecarian0

          Extinction is forever. The Republican party is on the verge of extinction.

          The world will be a better place for it.

          • Andrew Stern

            Ideologues like you have been saying that kind of nonsense for decades. Just like Christianity is about to disappear, right?

            Hilton Kramer is writing about Stalinists and their mind games. But his words could serve equally well for VendicarDecarian0 and his ilk:

            It is in the nature of Stalinism for its adherents to make a certain kind of lying—and not only to others, but first of all to themselves—a fundamental part of their lives. It is always a mistake to assume that Stalinists do not know the truth about the political reality they espouse. If they don’t know the truth (or all of it) one day, they know it the next, and it makes absolutely no difference to them politically For their loyalty is to something other than the truth. And no historical enormity is so great, no personal humiliation or betrayal so extreme, no crime so heinous that it cannot be assimilated into the “ideals” that govern the true Stalinist mind which is impervious alike to documentary evidence and moral discrimination.

          • DesertDawg

            Vendicare: “The Republican party is on the verge of extinction.”

            The US Senate, The US House, 11 governorships, and 30 state legislative chambers would like to disagree with you.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Not for long.

      • Sharp Shtik

        Government run by leftists (Democrats or RINOs) is nothing but organized crime because leftists despise other people’s freedom (individual rights). Leftists commit essentially all crime because they despise other people’s rights and see themselves as entitled. As organized criminals, leftists misuse government to deprive, control or take and redistribute rights such as free enterprise, private property (land, savings, income, firearms, etc.), free association, free speech and free religion. Leftists are public enemy #1.

        • VendicarDecarian0

          Ya only the tea baggers are pure.

          Ahahahahahahahah… Kook.

          • Isandhlwana79

            The only kooks around here are asswholes like YOU.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Ya. Scientifically literate people like me. Clearly you public school drop outs know more about science than scientists.

            Ahahahahahahahahah… Kooooooooks.

          • Isandhlwana79

            You “think” you are scientifically literate. A legend in your own mind too?…….LMAO!!!

          • VendicarDecarian0

            My training is in high energy physics and astrophysics.

            Your training is potty and lying.

          • Isandhlwana79


          • VendicarDecarian0

            Yes. You are a liar.

          • Isandhlwana79

            You are a fraud. Your comments prove it……LMAO!!!

          • Real D

            VD… what home correspondence school did you graduate from ? Sally Struthers or somewhere else

          • DesertDawg

            Vendicar: What’s with the gay slur?
            I thought you progressives were more tolerant and less homophobic than that.

          • Reder!c

            “27308 comments – 9750 votes”

            Nah. You’re not a troll.

      • VendicarDecarian0

        Don’t forget to include in your list of conspirators, the candlestick makers, and the international union of grommet installers.

    • Old Hickory

      Also East Anglia Univ = Charlatans (UK).

      • VendicarDecarian0

        If you could only prove your crack pot assertion.

        Then you would be a real boy.

    • starrrgirl

      sadly, it is a challenge to find any government agency that has not been co-opted.

      • DanInOsprey

        I think FBI, NSA, CIA, DARPA, and most of the Park Service are clean, but key departments such as EPA, IRS, DOC, HUD, DOJ, State, NASA, Interior, Treasury, Agriculture are all now seriously tainted – although even those co-opted organizations have small pockets of useful employees/elements doing important work.

        • VendicarDecarian0

          Once the Tea baggers destroy America they can remake it in their own image.

        • David Meza

          Sorry, Park Services is in league with NOAA. The last time I went to Yosimite, we went to a presentation by the rangers, it was supposed to be about history of park, turned out to be propaganda show about “global warming”.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Yup, everyone is in on it except you. It’s one giant global conspiracy against you.

          • DanInOsprey

            Thanks. Never heard that before, but that’s AWFUL! AGW is of course a total hoax.

    • JohnnyIShootStuff

      I remember when NOAA would botch a winter storm forecast three days out. Now they’re telling us about the weather 3 decades out.

      • billyjeff2

        Oops. Looks like someone doesn’t know the difference between weather prediction and the science of climatology.

        • Cipher’s Solution

          Got your Rainbow Flag flying from the back of your truck?

          • billyjeff2

            sure. because climate is related to sexual orientation, right?

          • paraducks

            Why not ? It’s all become politics. I reckon that Lt. Col. Hackworth had it right we he said: “Figures don’t lie but liars figure”.

            Lush government research grants and prestige are reserved for those that successfully pilot the “getaway car” or provide an alibi.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            If you liars could figure then you would be able to challenge the science.

            But you can’t. You just don’t have the ability or the competence.

            So you spend your days, whining and moaning, and lying.

            Tea Baggers are almost entirely comprised of old American Republicans who are close to death.

            That makes me laugh.

          • Isandhlwana79

            “You just don’t have the ability or the competence”

            How rich ! How ironic! As if YOU do! RIGHT! You have no clue. You have ZERO evidence that CO2 is causing the Earth to warm. Just appeals to authority, that’s it! There are plenty of HONEST scientists who question your “science”. People without a doubt more credentials and 100 times smarter than you. YOU? You are just a blowhard spouting off as if you knew something. Can you even think on your own? I doubt it.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            “You have ZERO evidence that CO2 is causing the Earth to warm.” – Kook

            The fact that CO2 has an absorption spectrum means that it must do so.

            If you can’t comprehend that then you aren’t smart enough to be commenting on the subject.

            Your words have an information content equivalent to that of a dog barking.

          • Isandhlwana79

            As I said, you have no clue! You seem to forget ALL the other factors that come into play when it comes to climate dynamics. If YOU can’t comprehend THAT then YOU aren’t smart enough to even weigh in on the subject. Case closed, kook.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            All those other factors like the color of your cat, the weight of your pickup truck, the number of teeth you are missing etc.

          • Isandhlwana79

            You can’t even respond logically! Yet you think you should be taken seriously? Your response confirms that you know very little about climate dynamics. You are a simpleton. Expert in high energy physics? Yeah, right!!!….LMAO!!!! A fraud you are at that!!

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I’m still waiting for all these unconsidered “factors” that you have implied change the measured fact that the globe is rapidly warming.

            Waiting… Waiting… Waiting for the toothless Denialists to do anything but lie.

          • Isandhlwana79

            You wouldn’t understand them given that you don’t even consider them. You are way too shallow. Thanks for playing, kook.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Still Waiting… Waiting… Waiting for the toothless Denialists to do anything but lie.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Actually my response shows that you shouldn’t be taken seriously.

            Your posts are content free nonsense.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You haven’t mentioned any other factors, Tardieboy.

            You are shooting blanks.

          • goodspkr

            But it merely delays the heat from returning to space. And it is a small spectrum kind of like your brain.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Yup. The energy remains near the surface of the earth longer, thus increasing the temperature of the surface.

            Denialists just can’t imagine how that works.

            Such stupidity.

          • goodspkr

            Over night. But people like yourself like to talk about how hot it is in the daytime. And all the missing heat which you say is in the ocean per the ghg rules can’t warm the oceans. So where is the missing heat? There is a lot of stupidity on these boards but the main source is VendicarDecarian0,

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Are you trying to say that energy knows that time of day it is?

            Sorry boy, but that is something that only a true kook wouid claim.

          • goodspkr

            No, I’m saying you don’t understand the GHG theory.

            I live in Denver where it is semiarid. The difference between day and night is approximately 30 degrees. Houston is very humid and the difference between day and night is approximately 10 degrees. That VD is what green house gases do.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            CO2 of course has the same effect but differs in magnitude because CO2 is not as potent a greenhouse gas as water vapor.

            CO2, because it increases the base line temperature of the atmosphere, enhances evaporation and hence causes the overall humidity o teh atmosphere to increase.

            This humidity increase is also being directly observed.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            “all the missing heat which you say is in the ocean per the ghg rules can’t warm the oceans.” – Goodspkr

            What the hell are you jabbering about.. Kook.

          • hmastercylinder

            Take it easy on VD.
            Noone wants a fellow with a social disease!

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Yup, it delays the return of energy to space meaning it keeps it near the earth’s surface longer, and hence causes the Earth’s surface temperature to increase.

            It is pretty trivial.

          • paraducks

            I need not add anything to those statements for the world to see how twisted you are. Thanks for the insight ! (and compliments)

          • VendicarDecarian0

            If you liars could figure then you would be able to challenge the science.

            But you can’t. You just don’t have the ability or the competence.

            So you spend your days, whining and moaning, and lying.

            Tea Baggers are almost entirely comprised of old American Republicans who are close to death.

            That makes me laugh.

          • drbeatdb90

            Old? LOL. Sanders, Hillary and Warren.

          • goodspkr

            The reflect the Democratic party–old and out of ideas.

          • TANSTAAFL

            The “Burden of Proof” is not on “deniers” but is on the scientific community to accurately support their claims. Every model produced has been proven false. The only way any of their “predictions” even come close is for the scientific community to constantly massage the data. Even now, they do not have the full picture of atmospheric impacts… but they foist their “results” on the world as gospel.

          • goodspkr

            VD and others keep saying we need to challenge their science. Actually the null hypothesis is that any warming is due to nature and the alarmists haven’t been able to disprove that. A couple of years ago Trenberth and Curry and dueling articles about this with Trenberth wanting to change the null hypothesis with disproving that any warming is natural.

            It really makes them mad when you say, I don’t have to disprove AGW. You have disprove the null hypothesis.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            And they have done so. But barking dogs do not listen, they do not hear, and they can not comprehend.

            So the barking dogs, just continue to bark their ignorance.

            This is why everyone is laughing at you losers.

          • goodspkr

            VD you don’t realize who much like used car salesmen the climate groups sounds like. And while we don’t laugh at you,because you are irritating, you keep losing the sale.

          • VendicarDecarian0


          • HJD

            I can’t believe you’re still talking about ‘tea baggers’. You must really like the sound of that word.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I can’t believe that you are still complaining about the term “tea bagger”. After all, you losers chose the name.

          • goodspkr

            Not really. And the people at CNN knew what they were talking about when they used the term.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            They did indeed.

          • oldbithead

            VendicarDecarian0 –

          • Finger_of_Fate

            You are one offensive little brat.

          • SWDC

            When the English vocabulary is limited one signal one is engaging a foreigner.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            The average age of a Faux news viewer is 72.


          • Isandhlwana79

            And you must be 12? Figures.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Faux news viewers are the ones in the walkers and confined to their beds.

            They spend their days waving their canes and yelling at the TV in anger, as the world passes them by.

            So long… Have a nice death, Scumbags….

          • Isandhlwana79

            Such a moronic child you must be. Were you born an asswhole or are you working at it all your young life?…..LMAO!!!

          • John D

            What makes me laugh is your tendency to call people names if they disagree with you. How old are you? Twelve?
            You sound like a petulant child.

          • goodspkr

            But here’s your problem. The AGW hypothesis fails the Scientific Method. There’s no hot spot and the current models simulations used in the AR5 indicate that the warming stagnation since 1998 is no longer consistent with model
            projections even at the 2% confidence level. Below 5% you throw out the concept.

            Part of the scientific method says, ” If any exception to a concept can be proven by observation, the concept is wrong.”

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Astrophysics fails the scientific method too. So does high energy physics.

            In fact virtually all of science fails the scientific method.. Because the scientific method isn’t applicable to most science.

            My goodness you are maleducated.

          • billyjeff2

            by jove, I think you have something there! so, in reality, all of the climate scientists are actually willing participants in a Grand Conspiracy, designed to dupe the rest of the world, so they can get paid. Because that’s what scientists do-take bribes. All of ’em. Brilliant!

          • Cipher’s Solution

   got nothing. got it.

          • billyjeff2

            hey! that’s my line!!

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Because measuring the increase in the earth’s temperature is gay?

            Have you been mentally ill all your life?

          • Cipher’s Solution

            oh my-you’re a tad more of a moron than I initially suspected. Was going to share with you al the political websites that feature Disqus, but you just made me change my mind. Silly You…

          • IskurBlast

            No its simply impossible the entire system is full of systematic errors so any such attempted calculation down to a usable range will be wrong. The error is thinking that multiple readings decrease error. This is not true when systematic error dominates.

            Even the Karl adjustment is an example of systematic error. They are adjusting for ship intakes heating the water. This is not random error. Its systematic error and it is only one. There are numerous known and unknown systematic errors in the global measurement system.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Your first sentence is incoherent.

            Your second and third sentences are coherent but you fail to tell us what you think the systematic errors are?

            If you know of any then write a paper, get it peer reviewed and published.

          • goodspkr

            Ah the other leftist come back. Why don’t you write a paper on it. That generally means I really don’t know what I’m talking about.

            So VD,gives us a quick version of what the hypothesis of the alarmists is. What is going to destroy the ice caps, raise the oceans 80 feet, etc. In your own word please, not links.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Would’t the Denialist’s ability to not write a paper on it indicate that they don’t know what they are talking about?

            After all, if they did know what they were talking about they could actually write a paper on it.

            But they can’t, even after 30 years of trying.

            Ahahahahahahahahah.. Now that is what I call incompetence.

          • goodspkr

            No, what I want to see is if you actually know what you are pretending to believe in with your whole heart and soul. If it is correct you should be able to give us the basics. What I find is most alarmists like yourself refuse to say anything about the actual science because they don’t know it.

          • hmastercylinder

            He believes Soros is going to pay him, more fool he!

          • IskurBlast

            There are plenty of papers addressing the problem of confidence intervals when dealing of data having systematic errors. Climate scientists simply choose to ignore such warnings. Such a paper would not be very original.

            And I know what a systematic error is you goggling dumbass.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You should write one concerning these unstated and magical “systematic errors” that you allege are in the climate record.

            Why are you keeping them a secret?

            Maybe it’s because you have a big mouth and like to use it to lie.

          • IskurBlast

            Unstated and magical. I’m sorry you are simply stupid. All of the errors adjusted for in the data sets are systematic errors. TOBIS is a systematic error, UHI is systematic error, ship intake is a systematic error.

            None of this is secret. You are just too stupid to understand it.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            And as we all know, including UHI in the data set actually lowers the overall surface temperature record.

            It’s one of the reasons that you losers are laughed at.

            As for TOBIS, that is just a nonsense term you have fabricated.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I’m still waiting for your list of systematic errors.

            Why run away, Flatch Boy? Can’t you support your own accusations?


        • Frank Lee

          you get his point. are you really that thick or do you just play thick?

        • BobTheBuilder2

          Weather prediction is real although only right half the time. Climate prediction is all fake science.

          • dwstick

            And there it is! Real science vs junk science! At one time or another in human history, alchemy, astrology, drapetomania and phrenology were considered ‘real’. Global Warming will soon join them all on the trash heap of junk science!

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Not likely

            October 2015: Earth’s Warmest Month on Record by a Huge Margin


          • WalterHorsting
          • VendicarDecarian0

            Odd how the kook blog site you link to tries to compare a month’s projection to a week of projected weather.

            Denialists just can’t seem to get away from comparing apples to oranges.


          • SWDC

            Speaking of what are the 72 virgins the Koran promised suicide bombers and do women get the same 72 virgins as men?

          • jojo

            Yes they are all named Caitlin.

          • SWDC

            Not a virgin

          • Rally Ann

            I asked that same question about the suicide bomber. In Paris… she get her 72 virgins?

          • Rally Ann

            If not, why not? Discrimination?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            They are all same set of Virgins and all Republican whores.

          • SWDC

            Thanks for letting the USA know you are Islam.

          • derek

            No one said the virgins were female.

          • john doe

            Another lib indoctrinated by the bull $ hit from the lame media. Just for once try to think for yourself. Look at a temp graph over the last 1000 years. Ahh I’m wasting time talking to a moron.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Over the last 10,000 years the global temperature has been in a slow decline until 100 years ago when it began to rapidly rise.

          • RPVG

            Global temps have been rising since the end of the last Ice Age. Rising temps care what CAUSED the Ice Age to end.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            My goodness. You are so stupid that you can’t even interpret a simple graph.

            The graph above calls you a liar.

            So do I.

          • Scott Leach


          • VendicarDecarian0

            My goodness you are ignorant.

          • Scott Leach

            How the hell would you know?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Every one of your posts has proven it so far.

          • eyes_open46

            Push you fake data somewhere else please.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            No fake data there. Why do you need to lie about it?

            Are you afraid of reality… Coward.

          • Scott Leach

            Who says its real, you or the liars that falsified it?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Who says you are real?

            Maybe your are a fart who thinks it’s a person.

            That would certainly explain your low IQ.

          • SWDC

            And your limited vocabulary

          • Scott Leach

            Oh now you’re measuring IQ via telekinesis and the internet. Who’s the idiot? Stooping to personal insults. A class act indeed. Why not try and prove something instead of trotting out silly charts and lame claims. There have been more scandals in the “global warming” community and more refuted claims in the last 5 years than any other branch of science and you know it. Grow a pair and bring something real to the table, lose the propaganda. Notice I’m not showing anything like the recent NASA study on Antarctic ice or anything else. I’ve already burned way too many calories on you. Go peddle your papers.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            No need to use telekinesis. We can estimate your low IQ scores from the stupidity that you have demonstrated in your posts.

          • Suckmahdick

            Still masturbating into your sister’s used crusty panties? I have a live and let live attitude, but PLEASE tell your mother to quit emailing me about your disgusting habits!

          • Scott Leach

            I can find 100 phony charts and graphs too

          • VendicarDecarian0

            But you will never be able to remove your head from your backside.

            You were born to be a fool.

          • drbeatdb90

            Typical Media Matters troll response. Nothing to contribute but slander and name calling.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            And yet Goddard the Retard is comparing months to weeks.

            Ahahahah.. You can’t get much dumber than Steven Goddard (even his name is a lie)

          • drbeatdb90

            I see you’re still slandering other peoples posts. Soros employees are so boring.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I don’t like liars. So I don’t like the liar who calls itself Stephen Goddard.

          • RLABruce

            I don’t like the liar who calls himself VendicarDecarian0. The trick is to discover their lies, then shine a spotlight on them. They HATE being found out….

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Feel free to identify any Lies that I have told.

          • RLABruce

            Everything you’ve said about Climatology has been a lie.

            Did you know that:

            Global Warming/Cooling/Climate Change ONLY exists in computer models?

            Of the 150+ computer models, NOT A SINGLE ONE has successfully accounted for historical temperatures nor predicted future temperatures?

            The only way to show global warming is to selectively change the RAW DATA?

            Someone who defends a fraud is himself a fraud.

            You have no chance of making me believe your lie of Climate Change, nor can I change your mind, since you seem to not have one, so future replies will be treated like the trash they are. Dismissed!

          • Scott Leach

            Ven-di-car is also beating the Bernie drum loudly

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Liar.. Liar… Pants on Fire…

          • drbeatdb90


          • eddodt

            the retards are the people who have scientists VOTE to decide if something is valid…what happened to the scientific method?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            No scientists are voting to decide if something is valid.

            They are polled to see what the scientific consensus opinion is

            How sad for you that it is 100% against your ideological preferences.

          • Scott Leach

            Yep, votes bought and paid for

          • SnakeUSMC

            Science is NOT consensus, and consensus is NOT science. I can attest to that fact .

            U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare
            IBD Editorials, 02/10/2015 06:43 PM ET

            U.N. climate chief Christiana Figueres speaks during an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Jan. 22, 2014. AP View Enlarged Image

            Economic Systems: The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment.
            But we know that’s not true. A United Nations official has now confirmed this.

            At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.

            “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.

            Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”

            The only economic model in the last 150 years that has ever worked at all is capitalism. The evidence is prima facie: From a feudal order that lasted a thousand years, produced zero growth and kept workdays long and lifespans short, the countries that have embraced free-market capitalism have enjoyed a system in which output has increased 70-fold, work days have been halved and lifespans doubled.

            Figueres is perhaps the perfect person for the job of transforming “the economic development model” because she’s really never seen it work. “If you look at Ms. Figueres’ Wikipedia page,” notes Cato economist Dan Mitchell: Making the world look at their right hand while they choke developed economies with their left.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            An opinion piece in

            IBD = Quack central.

            in which the claim made doesn’t even begin to honestly begin to reflect what was said.

            What was said.

            “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”

            The Lie told by IBD in the editorial.

            “is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.”

            The author of the liar in the IBD editorial is not named, but it is most certainly someone who works for the Fascist promoting CATO institute.

          • RLABruce

            Can you explain why only Believers were allowed to attend a recent Climatology Conference?

          • SnakeUSMC

            THEN YOU print the name of the person. Global warming is a hoax and if you don’t like the facts – tough

          • MRM_The_First

            Wrong – try again

          • reddog

            This means nothing. Where is it written that one years weather or temperatures are an indicator of anything? It is just another data point. People like to use the draught in California as evidence that global warming is occurring. Maybe so, maybe not. The areas of California now having a water crisis have been a desert environment long before California saw its first white person. They have simply ignored their predicament for decades upon decades until they cannot ignore it any longer. That has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with stupidity and greed. Let’s stop subverting the scientific community into a left wing political community. It’s disgusting even by liberal standards.

          • John D

            California has a long history of summer droughts. You may have heard of the “Golden Hills” of CA? It’s not golden. It’s BROWN dead and dying vegetation.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I know of no scientists who aren’t Liberals. Certainly they all are in my department.

            Education does that to a person.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            The trend is clear.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Look at how all those data points form a line that is rapidly rising.

          • helping a fool

            With the “adjusted” data. And don’t forget that our direct temperature data does not go back more than 200 years even for the areas of the world that are “civilized” and much less for other areas.

          • john doe

            Another joke. Since we have records for only a few 100 years that’s complete Bul $ hit. Try going back to the medieval warming period where they raised grapes for wine in Scotland. Warmest month my ass.

          • LVTaxman

            Well, the MWP was erased in the hockey stick as a blip, so alarmists don’t count that. They also came to the conclusion with a nicely colored map, that the Northern Hemisphere (especially Greenland and Northern Europe) were warmer than normal but the rest of the world was cool. Considering the awesomely accurate temperature gauges of the natives of Australia, South America, and Sub-Sahara Africa, we can be assured they have accurate records.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            The MWP wasn’t global.

            How sad for you.

          • KirtGriffin

            Actually it was global but happened at different times in different areas. It was more sequential than simultaneous. Sad that more are not aware of that rebuke of that time-untested talking point.

          • derek

            In Boston the records start in 1880. That is just over 100 years not a few 100 years.

          • jcill

            Absolute proof that the earth is warming at an alarming rate? It used to be that skeptics were accused of using weather data to prove long-term climate change. Now it’s the alarmists.

          • Bruce Wayne

            The title, in and of itself, is a farce. “Earth’s Warmest Month on Record” How long has man been recording and compiling temperature around the globe? Twenty years? Thirty? In all reality, I doubt it’s been that long.

          • Nick

            Soil samples and tree growth also function as a measure of temperature. There are various geologic and biological processes that can reflect temperature accurately back a couple hundred years. So, we haven’t been keeping track, but the planet has.

          • Bruce Wayne

            Trees are not an accurate measurement of temperature. Dendroclimatology is an evolving science in and of itself. The only accurate way of measuring temperature is by direct measurement using a device that measures temperature. All other methods are just estimations.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            All measurements are just estimations.

            Your objection is ridiculous.

          • goodspkr

            “All measurements are just estimations.”

            So how do you explain that we are measuring global temperature to hundreds of a degree? And alarmists keep telling us each year is the warmest ever recorded?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Each years average anomaly is computed to two significant figures, but with two sigma error bars that are much wider. These generally aren’t provided because American are too stupid to understand simple averages, and would be completely lost with a confidence limit.

            Errors in the global temperature anomaly for the last couple of decades have been in the 0.05’C range.

            We continue to see “warmest year ever recorded” because the earth is warming, and for the last few years every year has been warmer than the last.

          • Scott Leach

            Again, SO?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            So you are a moron.

            I thought I made that clear, earlier.

          • RLABruce

            So speaks the arrogant intellectual elite who believes we are harming the earth with a faith akin to a child’s belief in Santa Claus. You Believers are so desperate to “matter”, but you are not only unimportant, you are destructive to man’s legitimate search for knowledge. Look up “Lysenkoism”. That is what you have done to government-funded science.

          • betterthanu

            Go back to swallowing. It is what you do best

          • RLABruce

            Liar, liar, pants on fire! Even the RAW data has been cooked, so to speak. For example, it isn’t following any scientific methodology to estimate an area’s temperature by arbitrarily assigning it the HIGHEST temperature from all of the closest weather station instruments. Likewise, if a given weather station quits, the temperature assigned is the highest of other stations nearest to its location. And how are the locations decided upon? Are they just placed close to the

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Sorry, but it’s not done that way.

            When a station’s measurements do not meet data quality tests then it is replaced by an interpolated value obtained from sites around it that are adjusted to accommodate the average difference in readings from those sites.

            You really should stop lying about how the data is processed.

            Now, if you don’t like that method, you can head over the the BEST climate reconstruction where no adjustments are made to the data at all.


          • RLABruce

            You said, “When a station’s measurements do not meet data quality tests then it is
            replaced by an interpolated value obtained from sites around it that are
            adjusted to accommodate the average difference in readings from those
            sites.” In other words, a guess, NOT a measurement! Why don’t you Believers just “interpolate” ALL your data?


            Here is an interesting list of Climate myths that you probably believe in:


          • betterthanu

            See you are minipulating statistics to support an agenda. What you show just proves your fraud

          • Brenda Unibrow

            Each of the methods have margins of error. How accurate is carbon dating?

          • betterthanu

            Your existence is reiiculous. Use that mouth for swallowing as the tripe that comes out is such BS

          • goodspkr

            Not really. It depends on a lot of variables which frequently we don’t know all about. For instance is tree growth a function of heat or moisture or both? And doesn’t that differ among the type of tree it is? It’s better than nothing, but when you have Mike ‘s nature trick thrown in it makes looking back about as reliable as the thermometers are with the adjustments GISS and the other make to their data.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Ya, there is a lot of variation but averaging takes care of most of that.

            And if you don’t like tree rings then there are shell growth rings, and coral growth rings, also the crystal morphology of corals, direct borehole temperature measurements, and O16 to O18 isotope levels, changes in the terminus of plant and animal ranges, etc. etc. etc.

            Chinese observations of climate go back 2,000 years.

          • goodspkr

            I’m pretty sure the Chinese can’t give us the temperature in degrees F or C or K or anything else for that matter. Observations are good and they tell us about the MWP and the LIA, but the alarmists tell us they were local events and didn’t really happen worldwide. It screws up Mann’s hockey stick and make the little warming we’ve experience something that we should be saying so what about.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            The Chinese records hold the dates of first frost, first snow, first date of a frozen lake, etc, date of the first blossoms, etc.

          • RLABruce

            Since you treasure the Chinese view on Climate Change, you need to read about their Chinese Academy of Sciences publication, “Climate Change Reconsidered”. It refutes the IPCC findings. Bottom line: the Chinese do NOT believe in Global Warming!

          • RLABruce

            Then why aren’t the Chinese jumping on the AGW bandwagon?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            They are. There are no denialist morons in the Chinese government.

          • RLABruce

            Lying again, I see. At least you’re consistent. Here’s an article about the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a work they published that refutes the concept of climate change, in particular the garbage from IPCC. Get educated, or at least quit swallowing every lie you hear!

          • betterthanu

            Actually they dismiss man made climate change as an invention of Western liberal idiots

          • SWDC

            China is not controlled by Islam

          • VendicarDecarian0

            The global surface temperature record – as measured by thermometers, goes back to the early 1800’s.

            The record as measured by nature goes back hundreds of thousands of years farther.

          • Bruce Wayne

            You completely missed my point. Do you believe there was the same level of coverage for measuring surface temperature 215 years ago as there is today?

          • derek

            Most areas were the records were kept were cities. With the advent of sky scrapers and the automobile, during the winters city would go up a degree or 2 because of all the people opening doors. And these warm building would transfer some of their hear out.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            This would bias the temperature record higher the farther back in time you go and hence would reduce the observed rate of warming.

            You are demolishing your own argument.

          • goodspkr

            LOL. Hundreds of thousands of years? Don’t you mean millions? Too bad that its written in a different language and we have to guess what the temperatures were.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            No. I don’t mean millions. Temperature records aren’t going to go back much further than the evolution of land dwelling plants and animals.

          • NoBS

            For which period? Fool.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Land dwelling plants and animals developed only once on this planet.

            So your question of “what period” is just stupid.

          • betterthanu

            You keep swallowing. True stupidity. You not much different from a religious fanatic

          • LFoster

            Stupid people don’t believe God created the universe. Their minds were perverted to “evolution of land dwelling plants and animals.” With their perversion, the global warming/climate change was invented. Sad life.

          • Brenda Unibrow

            From what consistent location, temperatures vary by elevation, time of day, clouds, urban vs rural, deforestatation, solar flares, el ninas, storm fronts, etc., etc.?

            All I know is we have not flooded like all gore predicted we did, lol.

            My favorite laugh was when the global truthers blamed bush for the hurricanes.

            Can people really be that dumb?


          • VendicarDecarian0

            Gore didn’t predict any flooding for the year 2015.

            Why do you feel a need to lie about it?

          • Brenda Unibrow

            You are only partially correct. In 2006, he said Manhattan would be completely flooded in 15 years.

            Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!

          • SWDC

            But but but it is flooded with illegals and foreigners.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Well, according to Republican Retards who don’t have much connection to reality.

          • SWDC

            You do mean Islam.

          • betterthanu

            Are democrats. I finished that sentence for are too stupid to live libitatd

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Liar… Liar.. Pants on fire.

            Gore said no such thing.

            Why do you insist on lying?

            Are you mentally ill?

          • betterthanu

            He did you pig. Why are you swallowing propaganda like you swallow semen

          • betterthanu

            Actually he did. Why are you lying orbs a tard you have no memory beyond a week

          • betterthanu

            Never underestimate the stupidity of people

          • betterthanu

            If interpretation is accurate. Problem is the pseudo scientists interpretation is used and data cherry picked to fit an adgenda

          • beckybeckenridge

            In the matter of real science data is collected under very strict protocols… Even today the data being collected around the globe hardly follows that standard I.e, the hockeystick was/is Prue fabrication and scientific hogwash

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Which hockey stick Becky? There are over 2 dozen of them now.

          • beckybeckenridge

            I think only a dozen you would like to present..By the time of the second IPCC report in 1995 where for the first time CO2 forcing began to be proposed more prominently as a cause of serious alarm, the Medieval Warm Period was sidelined in the text and narrative. An important way that this was done in the report was to alter the diagram of recent climate history by simply shortening the time period it covered so that it now started after the Medieval Warm Period. All that was shown was the long slow recovery from the Little Ice Age to today’s temperatures, i.e. a long period of increasing temperatures. But clearly this was only a short term solution. The way that the Medieval Warm Period dominated the recent climate graph challenged the basic argument for CO2 forcing which was that the late 20th century climate was some how unique. As Jay Overpeck, an IPCC participant said in his email to Professor Deming, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period”.

          • MRM_The_First

            So you quote something that is trying to support a known hoax. Really smart…

          • Scott Leach


          • rightside100

            They “adjusted” down the historical temperature records in 2011. You trust them now?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Berkeley Earth doesn’t adjust anything. Here are the results.

            Note how closely Berkeley Earth matches the other temperature reconstructions.

          • Brenda Unibrow

            I remember when the libtards tried to scare us back in the mid 1970s with the return of the ice age and global cooling.

            Are you al gores bastard son from a prostitute, or just another deranged lunatic lefty?

          • TroyGale

            So what, when you cook the data, to get the results you want it isn’t science.
            It sure will be funny when all you lemmings wake up to the fact that the UN is just trying to get your money, and seize power from your National Government, and give your taxes to Ethiopia.
            Here’s a counter argument to your link.

          • drunkcynic

            Gerrymandered numbers will say precisely what you want them to.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            So you contend that the meteorologists at the weather underground are part of the global conspiracy against you Denialist Retards?


          • drunkcynic

            To be clear, I am undecided on the matter of global warning. There is insufficient verifiable evidence that it is happening, or that it isn’t happening, that hasn’t been proven to be horribly stilted or subjected to bias. I’m approaching the issue as statistician.
            Either they have been for to accepting of questionable data, or they are readily pushing the same lie.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Are you also undecided on the matter of little microscopic dots causing disease?

            It is pretty much the same level of Kookieness.

          • drunkcynic

            Logical Fallacy: faulty comparison.

          • NoBS

            Once again, an anomaly. While attempting to justify human guilt for a global governing body, for BANKS and the political hacks.
            How’s the Carbon extortion racket going? Hit the trillion mark yet today?

            Oh, your not supposed to tell the useful idiots, wink, wink.
            I got your back buddy, not another word!

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Odd how the anomalies are producing this strong upward trend in global average temperatures.

          • SWDC

            No that would be Islam

          • beckybeckenridge

            You mean out of the last 110 years of the planets 5 billion year history, now there’s some science

          • VendicarDecarian0

            More like the last 200 years.

            This mont’s anomaly is so high that 2015 is already the warmest year the earth has seen in the last 120,000 years.

          • beckybeckenridge

          • Mike

            What??? Phrenology isn’t real???
            Crap. There goes my doctoral dissertation.
            Oh well. Guess it’s back to the journalism major.

          • Thatwasastupidname

            Billyjeff, I would say BobtheBuilder nailed it. I think JohnnyShootStuff knows too.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Well, it’s done a remarkably good job so far.

            October 2015: Earth’s Warmest Month on Record by a Huge Margin


          • WalterHorsting

            NOAA is not using the RSS data and using very large guesses to come up with warming

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Of course NOAA is not using RSS. RSS isn’t taken seriously and it doesn’t measure surface temperatures.

            At best, RSS measures the average temperature of the lower troposphere, at a median altitude of around 4 kilometers.

            Have you ever been 4 Kilometers up? It’s cold up there.

          • WalterHorsting

            Wise up, surface stations in the US due to Urban Heat Island have 93% of all surface stations not meeting Federal Standards…that is why satellites are superior

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Is that why the chief scientist at RSS systems (Satellite data), claims the surface temperature record is superior to the satellite record?


          • Bruce Wayne

            The planet is becoming more urbanized by the minute. Of course surface temperatures are going to be higher than they were 100 years ago. Cities are basically large heat sinks. If anything we have an overpopulation problem which demands immediate action and in the spirit of urgency I suggest you, Vendicar, do the honorable thing and starve yourself to death.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            And when the cities are removed from the data set, the surface temperature record shows even more warming.

            My goodness you are an ignorant loser.

          • WalterHorsting

            Climate corruption, it is amazing how many Ex NASA project scientists after leaving NASA, announce their Skeptic ways…something about paychecks, funding and keeping a job in the most politically corrupt administration I have ever seen…IRS, DOJ, EPA, NASA…amazing the stuff warmists consume

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Many of them tell stories of UFO cover ups and alien bases on the moon too.

          • WalterHorsting

            So I assume you want to have the world spend $89 Trillion at a $2 Trillion a year run rate to stop warming? And if so, are you for new nuclear?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            A bargoon.

            America spent 4 trillion to kill one man – Saddam – and create ISIS.

            Now there was money wasted.

          • SWDC

            Indeed when the bomb would have made a glass parking lot out of it all and no more wars to contend with.

          • WalterHorsting

            Not on point, you are losing, I asked about new nuclear?

          • WalterHorsting
          • goodspkr

            Plus the alarmists can’t ‘adjust’ RSS numbers like they continually do to the other temperature records.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            The RSS numbers are adjusted far more than the surface temperature record.

            The reason of course is that satellites can’t measure the earth’s surface temperature.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Is that why the chief scientist at RSS considers the surface temperature record to be more reliable than the satellite record?

            Hahahahahahahahaha…. You pathetic loser.

          • DesertDawg

            Vendicar: “Have you ever been 4 Kilometers up? It’s cold up there.”

            What part of GLOBAL warming do you not understand? It’s either warming, or it’s not.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            In fact, the models confirm the observations that as the earth’s surface warms, the upper layers of the atmosphere cool.

            So you are wrong yet again.


          • Scott Leach

            You mean the falsified models.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I know of no falsified models. If you have falsified any then please write a paper and submit it to a peer reviewed journal.

          • Bruce Wayne

            Which models? Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss, Tyra Banks?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            All climate models that model the entire atmosphere.

            You are quite the uneducated Retard.

          • Bruce Wayne

            You mean the same models that can’t predict the weather 24 hours in advance, let alone 10 days or 10 years. You are quite the naive fool.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You don’t seem to know the difference between weather and climate.

            That makes you spectacularly ignorant.

          • eyes_open46

            That thought warms me up…

          • Scott Leach

            Nice propaganda blog site.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            The Weahter Underground is a meteorologist site.

          • Dr Chambers

            Purchased by the Weather Channel. That just happens to have a political agenda. We call that agenda global warming.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            i see, so along with the candle stick makers and the thermometer makers and the international union of grommet installers, the meteorologists at the weather underground are in on the conspiracy against you.


            Take your meds, Kook boy.

          • frank pikul

            actually some people do a decent job of forecasting the weather up to a year in advance with accuracy around 80%+…except they do it through observing solar activity and have enough integrity to admit when they don’t know something and don’t blow smoke up our asses that it’s caused by AGW

        • JohnnyIShootStuff

          Oh yeah, that’s right. One is made up and the other is wrong half the time.

          • billyjeff2

            right. just like the so-called “law of gravity”. pure bunkum…

          • IskurBlast

            There is no law of gravity you ignorant twit. Gravity is a word given to explain an observed physical phenomena. We really dont even know what it is. We have only explained some of it.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Your knowledge of science appears to be that of someone living 500 years ago.

            I’m not at all surprised at your Republican ignorance.

            Sir Isaac Newton: The
            Universal Law of Gravitation


          • IskurBlast

            You knowledge speaks of arrogant ignorance. Newton wasn’t just wrong he was very wrong. You dont say “universal law of Gravitation” you say “Newtonian Gravity” because its incomplete.

            You cant win against me because you are stupid.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Do you deny that Newton formulated a universal law of gravitation?

            My goodness you are stupid.

          • IskurBlast

            Newton made many errors and the biggest error was for others to call it a law. There is no such law. If it was a law it would have been correct. Its not. Today it is correct to say “Newtonian Gravity” because its not a law. There are still huge arguments in science over gravity and its nature. There is no law.

            Face it you are stupid. You did a quick google and got the wrong anser because you were stupid enough to trust google. Obviously you are a melenial.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            So It’s not a law when everyone says it is because you say it isn’t.

            Sorry boy, but your kookie opinions are bring nothing but laughter to the floor.

          • IskurBlast

            No stupid kids call it a law because Google said so. There is no law. At one point in time over a hundred years ago people thought it was a law but it was ultimately proven incorrect. Its called Newtonian Gravity because its an imperfect approximation.

            Do you realize that you have an 19th century understanding of science? My god you are dumb.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Sorry boy, but Newtons Universal Law of gravitation was called a universal law of gravitation long centuries before Google existed.

            My goodness you are ignorant.

            “it was ultimately proven incorrect.”

            Really? What has Newton’s universal law of gravitation been replaced with?

          • IskurBlast

            Einsteinian gravity which is also incomplete hence not a law.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Do you have any evidence that Einsteinian laws of gravity are incomplete?


            And even if they were incomplete, they would still be laws. Just like the Newtonian law of Universal Gravitation.

          • IskurBlast


            One of many.

            At this time this argument is only about your own ego. You cant stand that you were wrong. Face it you aren’t that smart.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Your article link ends with….

            “So what’s the matter with gravity? It may or may not be related to dark energy and it doesn’t fit in with the other forces. If it’s not a particle or a wave, then what else it might be is unclear. “And that’s where it sits now,””

            In other words nothing is wrong with gravity.


          • IskurBlast

            You are obviously too stupid to understand what you are reading.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            It is PBS science pablum for the Scientifically illiterate American public.

            It is a shame what Republicans have done to PBS. NOVA used to be very good. Now it is flashy, superficial, claptrap dumbed down for a sack of door knobs I.E. the American public.

          • Bruce Wayne

            The science of gravity isn’t settled. Hey, kinda like climate science. Imagine that !

          • VendicarDecarian0

            The science of gravity has been settled since the time of Newton. What isn’t settled are some trivial details that don’t alter any of the real world predictions of Newton.

            Similarly none of the conclusions of the science of Global Warming will be overturned by the few second and higher order details that are still not explained.

            Only the truly ignorant presume that because something is not known, nothing is known.

          • goodspkr

            Actually Newton admitted he had no idea what gravity was. He came up with some equations that worked most of the time. It took Einstein to come up with a theory of gravity.

          • hmastercylinder

            And noone still has the slightest inkling of what it IS.
            We know many of its attributes. We are able to predict planetary motion and ballistic trajectories with great certainty using the rules of Newton and Einstein.
            But noone knows what gravity IS!
            I really need to buy a new can of Troll-Be-Gone.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Gravity is a region of space that contains more space than it should by simply projecting the space around it.

            It manifests as a higher local vacuum energy density which pretend to be an expansion of space.

          • goodspkr

            LOL. Not only stupid but looney as well.

          • Bruce Wayne

            Vendicars brain is a region of space that contains more space than it should.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Higher concentrations of vacuum energy = more space under the observation that vacuum energy has a constant local energy density as observed by an observer in that space.

          • TANSTAAFL

            I do deny it. Newton formulated a theory which applied to the “universe” as he knew it at the time. His theory held up to scrutiny given the available tests and data available at the time. Discoveries since then show his theory breaks down when you begin discussing Relativity, which goodspkr rightly points out.

          • goodspkr

            It appears VD is still back in the 17th Century with his science.

          • pugwis

            Newton didn’t formulate a theory for gravity. He determined its effects, not what it was.

          • pugwis

            Everybody who is jumping on Vedicar over the “law of gravitation” is wrong. A scientific law is not an explanation, it is an observation of some aspect of the universe. Things fall toward each other. That is a law, a law of gravity. Why they fall toward each other is left to someone to explain. Einstein explained gravity with his theories. Einstein’s ideas are not “laws”, they are theories. They try to explain a law. Newton stated a law of gravity but said he didn’t know what gravity was. Einstein explained how he thought it worked, but the law still stands. The problem is semantics. Even scientists sometimes use the term “law” and “theory” interchangeably and incorrectly.

          • helping a fool

            Newton’s model of gravitation has been replaced by Einstein’s theory of relativity because it is a more accurate model. Glad I could help. Maybe read about modern science?

          • goodspkr

            Why lefites (they do seem to ask the same inane questions over and over again) comment that I must not believe in gravity, I always ask them which one? Newtons or Einsteins.?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Either will do, since violating one within it’s regime of applicability necessarily violates the other.

          • goodspkr

            Not even close. First of all if it is a law and you violate it, it isn’t a law anymore because you can’t You don’t give us much to go on but so far your batting .000.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            So Newtons laws of motion have been replaced with Einstein’s laws of motion.

            Both are still laws.

          • u r wrong again

            We are talking about gravity. Ding dong.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Newtons law of universal gravitation and Einsteins’s laws of general relativity characterize gravity, doofus.

          • goodspkr


            “uncertainty, and this experience is of very great importance, I think. When a scientist doesn’t
            know the answer to a problem, he is ignorant. When he has a hunch as to what
            the result is, he is uncertain. And when he is pretty damn sure of what the
            result is going to be, he is still in some doubt. We have found it of paramount
            importance that in order to progress, we must recognize our ignorance and leave
            room for doubt. Scientific knowledge is a body of statements of varying degrees
            of certainty — some most unsure, some nearly sure, but none absolutely certain.
            Now, we scientists are used to this, and we take it for granted that it is
            perfectly consistent to be unsure, that it is possible to live and not know.
            But I don’t know whether everyone realizes this is true. Our freedom to doubt
            was born out of a struggle against authority in the early days of science. It
            was a very deep and strong struggle: permit us to question — to doubt — to not
            be sure. I think that it is important that we do not forget this struggle and
            thus perhaps lose what we have gained.”― Richard Feynman

            The fascists in climate change are willing to throw away true science for 30 pieces of silver. Of course
            the keep getting that silver year after year after year.

          • jcill

            There is no gravity. The earth sucks. There is no AGR, The alarmists suck.

          • billyjeff2

            yeah. what was I thinking? there’s really no such scientific jargon as a “law” or “theory” or “hypothesis”. what’s your PhD in, bunky?

          • John D

            Every post you makes showcases your ignorance.

          • billyjeff2

            “Every post you makes..” yeah-if only I was as educated as you.

          • JohnnyIShootStuff

            Oh yeah, the laws of climate science and the hockey stick. I forgot about those kool aid flavors.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Which hockey stick? There are now at least two dozen of them.

          • JohnnyIShootStuff

            Pick, the UK one or the Penn State one.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            What about the other two dozen of them?

        • jtom

          NOAA does both weather predictions and climate “projections,” so his comment is perfectly valid, and whichever the output of NOAA, it has been incredibly off.

        • Walther11

          Climatology, Scientology what’s the difference?

          • sgthwjack

            Bravo Sierra by any other name…………

          • reddog

            They are FUBAR.

          • FortSteve

            One is run by cretins, the other talks about thetins.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            My goodness you are spectacularly ignorant.

          • rch46

            A lib calling someone ignorant, do tell.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I just did.

          • John D

            No. An ignorant lib calling someone ignorant.

          • RPVG

            The term “ignorant lib” is redundant.

          • John D

            said the dumbest fool on the site…..

          • goodspkr

            I invite you to gives us a brief overview of the AGW hypothesis in your own words. Before we start a discussion I like to know that you at least have that much science in you background.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I will make it simple for you children.

            CO2 absorbs IR from the ground. The energy is down converted in frequency and re-radiated in an arbitrary direction – 50% of the time with a downward component to it’s path.

            As a result, 50% of the time the energy is directed back down to the surface of the earth, thus making the lower levels of the atmosphere warmer than they otherwise would be.

            Higher levels of CO2 increase this back-scattering and hence warm the planet further.

            So simple a child can understand it.

            But not Denialists. They are far too stupid.

          • Mister Duke

            Cut-and-paste BS from global alarmist talking points.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Translation – you are too stupid to understand what was said.

          • goodspkr

            Nah, you are giving us the GHG theory from over

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Your response lacks any logical coherence.

            Did you just soil your diaper?

          • goodspkr

            No, you didn’t answer the question. Do you disagree with what I said. Both sides agree on GHG’s and find that doubling CO2 increases the temperature by approximately 1 degree C. But the alarmist tell us that that doubling will result in 2-4 degree C increase in temperature. So how does that happen. What is the scientific explanation of how that will come about. Your response above appears to be a duck and cover response.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            “Both sides agree on GHG’s and find that doubling CO2 increases the temperature by approximately 1 degree C.”

            We already have 1’C of warming with less than a doubling of CO2.

            The estimates are for a 2’C to 4.5’C warming by the year 2010.

            8’C warming is a human extinction event.

          • goodspkr

            You are stating certain things as facts. But you left out the how they happen. Both sides agree doubling of ghg will raise the temperature by approximately 1 degree C. You stated we already have 1 degree C without doubling CO2. So what is causing the additional heat?

            I think you third paragraph should read by 2100 not 2010;

            There must be some idea of where that added heat comes from.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            “Both sides agree on GHG’s and find that doubling CO2 increases the temperature by approximately 1 degree C.”

            We already have 1’C of warming with less than a doubling of CO2.

            The estimates are for a 2’C to 4.5’C warming by the year 2110.

            8’C warming is a human extinction event.

          • Dr Chambers

            Oops, he’s been trying to find a source to cut and paste an answer. Sadly, for him, he won’t find it. BUSTED!

          • Bruce Wayne

            Why doesn’t CO2 absorb infrared from above, like from the Sun where infrared radiation emanates? Why only from the ground? It sounds discriminatory to me and should be reported to the EOC. Vendidope, you’re a clown but I give you an A for effort. Your mastery of pseudo science is unparalleled.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            It does absorb infrared from above. But there is more of it coming from below as the visible part of the sunlight from above passes through the atmosphere reaches the surface and is converted to heat, and therefore infrared radiation that radiates upward from the ground.

            The earth’s surface is much brighter in the infrared than the sun is.

          • the answer

            One is PC BS and the is un-PC BS.

        • realclearconservative

          Feel free to lay out the details of the difference, Mr. Expert.

          • billyjeff2

            here you go: “A key difference between meteorologists and climatologists lies in the time perspectives they bring to the study of weather and climate. Meteorologists produce forecasts that are intended to predict weather conditions over the short term, often a horizon no longer than 7 to 10 days. Climatologists, meanwhile, employ a long-term perspective, developing and analyzing models that are designed to predict changes in weather patterns in the months and years to come. A meteorologist will predict whether it will rain in the next day or two, but a climatologist will predict whether climate patterns will result in more rainfall on average in the years to come.”

          • AGoyAndHisBlog

            TL;DR – So they both predict the weather. One predicts short-term, is generally accountable because the public remembers on Wednesday the prediction that was made on Saturday ; the other predicts so long-term that people forget their original predictions by the time they’re proved to be more propaganda than science.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You were just told the difference between climate and weather and you still don’t know the difference.

            Ahahahahaha.. My god you are pathetic.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            RealConservatives are Real dumb.

        • Doltsbane

          Please enlighten us, what exactly is the difference between weather prediction and the science of climatology?

          • billyjeff2

            here you go: “A key difference between meteorologists and climatologists lies in the time perspectives they bring to the study of weather and climate. Meteorologists produce forecasts that are intended to predict weather conditions over the short term, often a horizon no longer than 7 to 10 days. Climatologists, meanwhile, employ a long-term perspective, developing and analyzing models that are designed to predict changes in weather patterns in the months and years to come. A meteorologist will predict whether it will rain in the next day or two, but a climatologist will predict whether climate patterns will result in more rainfall on average in the years to come.”

          • paraducks

            Tarot cards and numerology are more effective.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Clearly not.

            Why do you feel a need to childishly lie about such things?

            Are you mentally ill?

          • paraducks

            Are you motivated by your holdings in carbon credit stocks ? Perhaps your sustenance depends of government research grants ? Maybe you wish to be popular with left wing hedonists and your worldview is focused through your libido ? Could it be that you are a doctrinaire materialist Marxist who obsesses over the wealth of your neighbor, your envy driving you to support those that wish to seize and redistribute it ? OR Maybe you are just a fool ?
            I really don’t know or care. I do know that it is you that is spreading childish delusion.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You poor boy. You think you can hide the fact that 2015 is the hottest year in the last 120,000 years.

            You clearly are mentally ill.

          • paraducks

            Actually it was 1934. It’s all cyclical Mr. Watermelon. Peddle your crapola to someone who is buying.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            That was the warmest year in the U.S. PopTart. Not the warmest year globally.

            The U.S. only comprises about 2% of the earths surface.

            You are clearly ignorant.

          • paraducks

            I do not obsess over the sky falling.
            For every political scientist you name touting the environmental redistribution of wealth, I can refer you to ten (real) scientists that are skeptics of both the motivation and the bogus models coming out of the watermelon movement.
            Go away “bouy” ! Ya bother me.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Given that 98% of the worlds scientists support the view that the anthropomorphic emission of CO2 is causing the globe to warm, it would appear tat your claim is a mathematically impossible lie.

            Do you intend to remain a liar for the rest of your life?

          • Dr Chambers

            Well, you global warmist clown, the hottest temperature ever record in Djibouti was 151 degrees in 2003. The temperature average has never gone above 121degrees since then. It is one of the hottest countries on the planet, yet it holds no records. Wait, what? Where is Djibouti you ask? On the equatorial belt of Africa. A total African desert. Seems like things have been getting a bit cooler over the past 13 years in Africa. And I was there that day. The average temperature AND the climate for my home in Florida, my ski digs in the Rocky mountains nor my house in San Diego has never varied in over 30 years. Isn’t that time frame you alarmist use to measure the climate?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            “Well, you global warmist clown, the hottest temperature ever record in Djibouti was 151 degrees in 2003.” – Kook

            You aren’t one of those kooks that try to claim that all of the worlds surface will rise at a uniform rate everywhere in the world are you?

            That would be spectacularly stupid for anyone to do, wouldn’t it?

          • Dr Chambers

            Considering the average mean temperature hasn’t changed across the African equatorial band in over 30 years I’d say things have been pretty much stable. Humidity has remained constant. Sand and wind storms have remained constant.s And that land mass eclipses the length of the U.S. (which hasn’t had any significant warming either). I have homes in three separate climate areas in the U.S. nothing has changed. But keep drinking your Kool Aid.

          • FortSteve

            As a bunkologist, I debunk theories in years to come. AGW will be thrown on the dustbin of history just like the ice age warnings of the 1970s. By then, the AGW crowd will have moved on to some other scheme to reallocate taxpayers’ money.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Meanwhile 2015 is already the hottest hear ever recorded in the last 120,000 years.

          • FortSteve

            Too bad you can’t smell what you are shoveling.

          • DesertDawg

            Vendicar “hottest hear ever recorded in the last 120,000 years.”

            120,000 years? You sure you want to stick to that one?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Yup, 120,000 years

          • DesertDawg

            You do realize that even Mann admitted that his hockey stick may have been flawed? Which most certainly means it was.

            The folks that claim it was hottest year ever purposefully skipped satellite and ocean data, and only used US based land instruments, most of which have been encroached on by growing cites over the last 20 years… meaning comparative data is useless. Nice try Vendicar, but that claim has been thoroughly debunked.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Mann’s hockey stick now has a couple dozen cousins.

            That makes me laugh, and makes you Denialists crap your diapers.

          • DesertDawg

            Us denialists don’t fear the truth. No need for diapers.

          • EPatrickMosman

            Really? Where is real data not NOAA/GISS adjusted,massaged and corrected temperatures.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You will come to the same conclusions using the JMA temperature reconstruction, NASA, BEST, or Hadcrut.

            Take your pick.

          • EPatrickMosman

            All of which have undergone serious adjustments lowering past temperatures and raising recent temperatures.In 2007 NASA/GISS published a list of the ten warmest years and 4 of the top ten occurred before 1940. 1934 was the warmest followed by 1921. After the massaging and adjustment none of the pre-1940 years were in the top ten.You might recall that NASA reported wrong temperature data for 2000-2006,higher of course,until caught out by Mr McIntyre.
            Still asking for the real data for the 120,000 years.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Liar… Liar.. Pants on fire…

            “In 2007 NASA/GISS published a list of the ten warmest years and 4 of the top ten occurred before 1940. 1934 ” – Mosman

            Those were the warmest years in the continental U.S. Not the warmest years globally.

            So why do you feel a need to lie about it?


          • EPatrickMosman

            And then there is more recent NASA/GISS tampering with temperature data.


            Another NASA (Hansen) adjustment, this time the whole country of Iceland was secretly warmed up.


            Icelandic officials rejected the “adjusted” warmer temperatures out of hand.
            Apparently NASA didn’t restrict its tampering to the US.

            He who laughs last laughs best.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You link to an op ed piece in an Australian right wing rag that was written by an employee The National Civic Council, which is an Australian Conservative Christian lobby group.

            You can’t get much more Kook Tard than that.

            Virtually all of the temperature “adjustmets” that the wingers crap their pants over are made as a result of the nonstandard hour of reporting that many U.S. stations used. Some would report morning measurements, others, evening, and over the course of decades the measurement times have become standard.

            So there are corrections to compensate for the different observing times on some stations.

          • EPatrickMosman

            So “measurement times have become standard.” means all temperatures prior to the 1990s were cooled and all temperatures after 1998 were warmed up. A statistical impossibility. By the way all these revisions were made by government employees aided and abetted by government funded academics and it is known the he who pays the piper calls the tune. Time to sign off as you can lead a
            AGW fanatics to the truth and facts but you can’t make them think for themselves.

          • Isandhlwana79

            What a thoroughly stupid statement. Typical of you.

          • billyjeff2

            you’re probably right. just like acid rain or ozone. oh wait-those “predictions” turned out to be correct. darn!

          • Doltsbane

            If models based on comprehensive data gathered under known circumstances applied on a limited scale across a short time horizon for a restricted area of homogenous character can’t make accurate predictions, why would you believe that models based on incomplete data gathered under poorly controlled conditions applied on a long time scale across a whole planet can?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Oh. It is because averages capture the evolution of a system more precisely than the moment to moment noise in the system.

            That is why the concept of an averaging was invented.

            Your education is clearly lacking.

          • Doltsbane

            Statistical averaging isn’t magic. In can’t make stochastic phenomena not be stochastic, and if anyone is lacking education, it’s you in the subject of common courtesy. Insulting people isn’t an argument.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Stochastic phenomenon are not stochastic over all intervals. That is why averaging was invented.

            If the weather was stochastic over all intervals then there would be no distinction between winter and summer, and no statistical difference between fall and summer.

            Yet there are such differences which indicates that there is an underlying pattern to the noise.

            And that is why averaging is applicable.

          • Doltsbane

            I agree with you that averaging is applicable in these sorts of statistical models, my point is that it can’t really compensate for a dataset that is incomplete and corrupted by poor collection methods.
            A model can be perfectly valid statistically, but if the values you plug into the variables are themselves of questionable validity your results are meaningless.

          • billyjeff2

            easy–entirely different analysis; different tools. next question.

          • drbeatdb90

            Like the way they analyzed the coming ‘Ice Age’ back in the sixties? I’m sure you have a pre-scripted answer for that though.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Sorry deadbeat, but there was no warning from the scientific community of an imminent ice age back in the 1960’s.

            In fact it has been known for almost 150 years that adding CO2 to the atmosphere would warm the planet.

            A crude but still accurate back of the envelope calculation was done back then by Lord Kelvin who showed a 2 to 3 ‘C warming could be expected.

            My goodness you are ignorant.

          • drbeatdb90

            Media Matters called. Lunch break is over. You’re needed back at the propaganda center.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I’m needed everywhere.

          • drbeatdb90

            BTW. Your name calling and slandering do nothing to help your uneducated, mis-informed tantrums. Most of us expected it though.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Sorry deadbeat, but there was no warning from the scientific community of an imminent ice age back in the 1960’s.

            In fact it has been known for almost 150 years that adding CO2 to the atmosphere would warm the planet.

            A crude but still accurate back of the envelope calculation was done back then by Lord Kelvin who showed a 2 to 3 ‘C warming could be expected.

            My goodness you are ignorant.

          • billyjeff2

            sure do. if you actually research that story, you’ll find that there were indeed a handful of reports on a theory of global cooling. but you’ll also find that aside from that handful of articles, there was no widespread investigation/scientific corroboration of that theory, and certainly nowhere near the investigation/tools/researches that have been employed to investigate AGW theory, which is why the reports were more in the category of “one and done”. Moral of the story: just because Time magazine ran one article back in the 70’s about the potential of global cooling does not equate with the current scientific studies on this issue. Here’s a cogent explanation of what transpired:
            I know-you just hate, hate, hate this answer.

          • drbeatdb90

            You got me wrong. I don’t hate to the degree and throw a temper tantrum like VendicarDecarian0 if I don’t get the answer I want or somebody doesn’t post the way I want them to post on any of these sites. According to you, you’re on the side of science and in my own mind I’m on the side of science. I just don’t believe it’s settled science which I believe is coming from your camp. However, I will watch your link with an open mind.

          • billyjeff2

            well, that’s refreshing. I don’t claim that it’s “settled” science either (whatever that may actually mean). but I do not subscribe to the notion that the vast majority of climate scientists are engaged in some Grand Conspiracy to dupe the general public. And I do subscribe to the concept that, in theory, the more heat-trapping gases are introduced into the atmosphere, the more likely it is that those gases will actually trap heat.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Weather prediction involves the time evolution of the atmosphere on a minute by minute basis for periods as long as a week or two.

            Climate prediction involved the time evolution of average weather over periods of 30 years or more.

            if you don’t know the difference then you are too ignorant to be commenting on either.

          • Doltsbane

            See my reply to billyjeff2.

          • helping a douc he

            Both are predictions based on models that are derived from empirical data. So if you can’t get a weather forecast right, it calls into question your ability to accurately model the global climate. If your models can’t make accurate predictions, quit publicly announcing predictions until you can make accurate predictions. See how that works? Glad I could help.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Oh. It is because averages capture the evolution of a system more precisely than the moment to moment noise in the system.

            That is why the concept of an averaging was invented.

            Your education is clearly lacking.

          • helping a douc he

            I understand the difference between global and local phenomenon. Unlike you, I have formal education in the sciences. However, that does negate the fact that a “scientific” organization loses credibility when the continues to make inaccurate forecasts based on flawed models.

          • correcting a mistake

            I understand the difference between global and local phenomenon. Unlike you, I have formal education in the sciences. However, that does not negate the fact that a “scientific” organization loses credibility when the continues to make inaccurate forecasts based on flawed models.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Your formal scientific education must be in janitorial science.

            No one is making climate forecasts.

            There goes your claim to be educated. Right out the window….

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Your formal scientific education must be in janitorial science.

            No one is making climate forecasts.

            There goes your claim to be educated. Right out the window…

          • helping a douc he

            Hey, can you post a photo of your woman and her phone number? I bet she would appreciate a real man. Don’t worry, I will give her back later.

          • Isandhlwana79

            Good one! But don’t be surprised if his “woman” is a man……….LMAO!!

          • helping a douc he

            Yeah, I figured that was probably the case but I didn’t want to “discriminate.” His woman is probably Kaitlin-like.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You mean like Republican Catlin Jenner?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Real men accept reality. Republican cowards lie to themselves to avoid thinking about it.

            Besides, your dick is too small.

          • helping a douc he

        • 20670

          They both should be viewed through the old computer programming warning of ‘garbage in, garbage out.’

          • billyjeff2

            you’re better off just checking with your uncle Remis’ bunyon, right?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Sad that you don’t have the capacity to write a computer program.

        • paraducks

          Oops, Looks like some still don’t understand that P.T. Barnum had it right: “There’s a sucker born every minute”.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            And you are one of those suckers, Poptart.

          • paraducks

            Poptart ? Bite me… watermelon ! (Green on the outside red on the inside).

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You are clearly mentally ill, Poptart.

          • billyjeff2

            perhaps you’re right. Perhaps the vast majority of climate scientists are really participants in a Grand Conspiracy, and are hiding the fact that their work is fraudulent from the rest of the world. Scientists do this all the time. Right?

        • FortSteve

          Such an excellent rebuttal of NOAA tampering with their temperature data to fit into the AGW agenda.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Pity you Denialist kooks can’t prove that there has been any tampering.

            It is one of the reasons why so many people are laughing at you losers.

          • Isandhlwana79

            Being as your dumbass didn’t bother to read the above article, here is a snippet for you:
            Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry: “The
            global surface temperature data sets are clearly a moving target. So
            while I’m sure this latest analysis from NOAA will be regarded as
            politically useful for the Obama Administration, I don’t regard it as a
            particularly useful contribution to our scientific understanding of what
            is going on.”

            Read more:

            “clearly a moving target” must be beyond your limited comprehension skills. You are a kook.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Judith Curry isn’t taken seriously by the rest of the scientific community.

            One day she might write a paper worth reading. But so far that hasn’t been the case.

            Pity you Denialist kooks can’t prove that there has been any tampering.

            It is one of the reasons why so many people are laughing at you losers.

          • Isandhlwana79

            Sure she isn’t……keep trying little broomstick cowboy……..LMAO!!!

          • HJD

            Judith Curry is taken seriously by those who want better debate on the subject. Unfortunately, you don’t, which tells me you’re nothing more than a fool. Loser too.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Judith Curry is taken seriously by loons who don’t know what a joke she is.

            But she does get some things right.

            “If all other things remain equal, it is clear that adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will warm the planet.” – Judith Curry

          • goodspkr

            Curry is a joke? And who are you vendicar? James Hansen in purple face?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            “Judith: Statistics is a branch of mathematics. Right and wrong are strictly defined. These papers are wrong in the mathematical sense of the word. I think you have done a disservice by lending your credibility to these papers.” – Mathematician Richard Tol.

          • goodspkr

            So you are admitting Curry is credible. I guess I can only assume that that VD is only taken seriously by loons who don’t know what a joke s/he is.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Curry has about as much credibility as the legions of tea-bagger Republicans who claimed that George Bush was the greatest president in American history.


          • goodspkr

            Standard alarmists tactics. Ad hominem attacks so they don’t have to actually discuss science.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Let me know when you get your public school diploma so that I can start to educate you in basic high school science.

          • goodspkr

            So give us a quick explanation in your own words of how the AGW hypothesis works. I’ll even start it for you, both the alarmists and the skeptics agree the CO2 is a greenhouse gas… You can go from there.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Already done. And you responded to it.

            Why repeat? Are you suffering from some kind of mental illness that clears your short term memory every hour?

          • FortSteve


            Name calling (denialist) is the last refuge of someone who’s argument is falling apart before our eyes. If you removed the political agendas and engaged in peer reviewed science, your little liberal brain would implode.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Wow, links to three ConservaTard Blogs that don’t include any data analysis, but engage in repeating the same lie.

            Now that’s “proof” that Tea Baggers trust.


            Where are you calculations, dinglepuss?

          • FortSteve

            Once again, you immature name calling shows you have no credibility. You are a giant waste of time.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Where are your calculations, DinglePuss?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Wow, links to three ConservaTard Blogs that don’t include any data analysis, but engage in repeating the same lie.

            Now that’s “proof” that Tea Baggers trust.


            Where are you calculations, dinglepuss?

          • billyjeff2

            of course-all those NASA and NOAA climatologists are engaged in a Grand Conspiracy to dupe the world. Why? Easy, because Obama is threatening to kill their children if they don’t cooperate.

        • TEA


          • VendicarDecarian0

            Insane tittering are all the Denialist losers have left.

          • helping a douc he

            If that is true, then why the threats from the pro-AGW forces? If the “denilaists” are such losers, they instead of threatening them, suing them, and advocating prison for them, why not just laugh at them? I think we both know the answer.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Threats? I have seen no threats.

            But there will be punishment for treason against man and nature.

            Many of you losers will be hung in the streets.

          • helping the coward

            Ha ha ha. Try to “hang us in the streets.” You wouldn’t dare do it without some working class conservative men doing your dirty deeds for you. You lilly-livered, yellow, coward. Does your woman tell you what to do? I’d bet so. Wear skinny jeans? I’d bet so. Not eat meat because you wuv the animals? I’d bet so. Coward.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Tic.. Tok, every second that passes brings those public hangings closer.

            Some will just be horse whipped.

          • helping a momma’s boy

            ha ha ha. You are a real man of science! Science just like the nazis and the communists practiced. Get a life, loser.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            How long have you been an enemy of science, momma’s boy?

            Has it been since you flunked out of public school?

        • helping a cut and paste troll

          Inability to make proper forecasts is relevant even if they are different phenomena. The fact is that when a “scientific” organisation makes a forecast, if it does not come true, their credibility is called into question. If they were not relatively certain of the outcome, they should not have made a public forecast. See how this works?

          • billyjeff2

            sure do. and as a matter of fact, if you check with a meteorologist, you’ll discovery that predictions/forecasts of upcoming local weather events are generally accurate-over 90% of the time, if you’re referring to 1-3 day forecasts. Obviously, the farther out you get, the less accuracy you get. But that applies to what most folks refer to as weather forecasts. Climatology is an entirely different area. But of course you knew that….

        • helping a cut and paste troll

          Do you know anything about the limitations of science and the history of massive failures in science? The history of science is littered with politically motivated theories that were propped up and then turned out to be basically propaganda.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Really? Can you name three?

          • helping a cut and paste troll

            (1) Paul Broca’s work on intelligence and race. (2) Samuel George Morton’s work on “craniometry” and intelligence (3) Take a look at Stephen Jay Gould’s book the Mismeasure of Man. (3) John Down’s work stating that “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. (4) the steady state theory of the universe, which was advocated against the big bang because it implied no creator. (5) Einstein’s beliefs and work towards overthrowing quantum mechanics because he didn’t like its implications. (6) Einstein’s use of a cosmological constant because he did not like the idea that the universe might be expanding or contracting. Science is littered with unscientific and often politically motivated ideas. Do you want more?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            None of which are massive failures in science.

            Try again to name three.

          • billyjeff2

            great point. kinda like how Newton fudged the law of gravity. or did you mean the Heisenberg uncertainty principle–how can anything be a principle if it’s uncertain. crazy, right?

        • DesertDawg

          “someone doesn’t know the difference between weather prediction and the science of climatology”

          Let me help,
          Climate: when a weather event suits the alarmist agenda.
          Weather: when a weather event does not suit the alarmist agenda

        • Barry Bin Inhalin

          Billyjeff – how many times did you vote for The One – just twice?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Deibold let me vote for Obama 12 times. Oh.. Wait….

          • billyjeff2

            oh, no. many more times than twice. rampant voter fraud, don’t you know.

        • Microaggressive

          “science of climatology”

          Climatology isn’t a science since their predictions are always wrong.

          Might as well go to see an Astrologist

        • John D

          Billy is an idiot. Let me help. One is an actual Science the other is voodoo. Care to guess which is which?

          • VendicarDecarian0

            You mean like the VooDoo economic failure that was Ronald Reagan?

          • billyjeff2

            sure-my guess is that you’re an ignorant denier. bingo!

        • john doe

          What’s the difference between minutes and hours?? Scale to lib dummies like you. Just like weather and climate. Same thing just scale.

          • VendicarDecarian0

            Try to stop breathing for 3 minutes, and then for 3 hours.

            You will find out the difference and the world will be a better place for it.

          • billyjeff2

            ah yes–the sciences of studying minutes and seconds. very apt comparison. yup.

        • LVTaxman

          Well, since the predictions of the rate of increase in global temperatures has little relationship to reality as traced by HadCRUT4 and UAH satellite data, I suppose they are just as incompetent at climate projections.

          • VendicarDecarian0


          • billyjeff2

            you know: I coulda sworn 2014 was one of, if not the, warmest year on record. and I coulda sworn that 2015 is on track to be one of, if not the, warmest year on record.

        • RLABruce

          Oops. Looks like someone doesn’t know the difference between science and climatology.

          • billyjeff2

            sure do. both are sciences. but of course you knew that….

          • RLABruce

            Wrong. Calling climatology science doesn’t make it science any more than Scientology is science.

          • billyjeff2

            oh-you are far more ignorant that I initially suspected. Guess you still use leeches to remove the bad humours from your body when your ill, eh?

          • RLABruce

            I am far less ignorant than you on most subjects, certainly on climate change. Far better to be slightly ignorant and admit what you don’t know than to wholeheartedly believe a lie dressed up as “science”. Since you believe in climate change, you believe a lie, and I have nothing further to say to someone so gullible. Dismissed!

        • paul

          Excuse me, same basic models, same flawed, and incorrect models, same models that get less and less reliable the further out you go.

          • billyjeff2

            naw. if you’re referring to what most folks refer to as weather forecasts, for 1-3 days the accuracy is over 90%. The longer range forecasts are less accurate. But that’s as to the science of localized weather forecasting. Climatology is an entirely different animal, with different tools, analysis, etc. since it’s not about whether it’s going to rain in Chicago on Wednesday.

        • Katelyn Cox

          “the science of climatology” Similar to a Doctor of Aromatherapy. The gullible will believe regardless of facts.

          • billyjeff2

            no doubt you are right. really no such thing a meteorology, or climatology. just a bunch of frauds engaged in a global, grand conspiracy that only highly educated folks like yourself can discern. got it.

        • betterthanu

          Looks like someone does not know the difference between science and propaganda or the fact that water prefiction is exponentially easier and they cannot get that right. You are truly a libitard dumbass

          • billyjeff2

            “water prefiction”–well I have to admit-you got me on that one.

        • beckybeckenridge

          Oops, looks like someone drank the coolaid

          • billyjeff2

            you’re probably right. in fact, come to think of it, I’ve been duped to believe in such nonsense as the laws of physics; the theory of relativity; and the theory of evolution. what the heck was I thinking?

          • beckybeckenridge

            Come on… way to much data malnipulation, the hockeystick, NASA won’t turn over their emails… Oh yea that happened in to Einstein too I forgot..

    • Done With It

      Bureaucrats serve their own best interests. NASA and the NOAA were quite young as far as bureaucracies go, and had not yet developed a full administration of non-scientists who were entirely political and rent-seeking.

      • BobTheBuilder2

        There is an huge conflict of interest when you get paid to prove something exists.

        • VendicarDecarian0

          Of course those who run the scab site “climate depot” are paid to prove the opposite.

    • Mike0oSS

      Because Democrats understand that if a new federal dept is created, they will staff it with their minions, and politicize the dept. Republicans just go along with the deal because they are too lazy to do the same.

      • IskurBlast

        Yep just look at how suburban DC votes, solid blue. Who do you think these people are? They are the bureaucrats who work in Washington. But they would never live in Washington because democrats have turned it into a hellhole.

      • VendicarDecarian0

        I take it that you voted for Bush.

        Ahahahahahahah… Loooooooooooser.

        • Isandhlwana79

          TROLL…..poor one at that….LMAO!!

          • VendicarDecarian0


            Watching you losers soil your pants – again – when Hillary gets elected is going to be precious.

          • Isandhlwana79

            I know you have no background in “high energy phyiscs”. How do I know that? Your lame responses expose you as a fraud. If you were really that smart, a better retort would be forthcoming…..hahahahahha…..LMAO!!

          • VendicarDecarian0

            I do not throw pearls before Denialist swine.

          • Isandhlwana79

            Sure you don’t……LMAO at the fraud…..high energy physics……hahahahahhahahahahaha…….what a hoot!

          • Dr Chambers

            The only thing hillary will carry is her diaper to the trash can. And even that will be a monumental task for her her sorry a s s .

        • Mike0oSS

          I assume you think you know me right…typical fLeaBag pos.

    • cmdprompt

      Yeah, the good old days. Now it’s just pravda without the veneer of legitimacy.

      • VendicarDecarian0

        Apparently cartoons appeal to you.

        That is often true of the uneducated these days.

    • docdave88

      Me too. I guess I’m even older. I can remember when the New York Times was a news organization as well.

      • Yu So Wong

        The Grey Lady is now just Obama’s old w h 0 r e.

        • docdave88

          True dat.

      • The_RS_Gadfly

        You’re over 93?

        If not, the second statement isn’t true. Because their Pulitzer Prize winning “journalist” from 1932 was working with the Soviets to propagandize the US.

        • docdave88


      • VendicarDecarian0

        Money is a destroyer of all things.

        • docdave88

          I’m not sure how that tracks. When I was younger, LO these 40 years ago, they were making money, not going broke.

    • ellerfeller

      That could make you 7 or 8 years old.

    • ItsPolitics101

      That was before their presidentially appointed directors weren’t dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist marxist. This president has made certain every agency under his control is led by fringe leftist who are beholden yes-men/women to every fart that comes out of Obama’s a55.

    • propel7

      Propaganda machines of WHO? That is the question. Traitors need to swing from the end of a rope.

    • Mel Carbon

      It wasn’t that long ago.

    • Bonanzadrvr

      Leftists politicize everything in their insatiable quest for money and power…global warming which has been re-branded as climate change since reality didn’t match their flawed models is just the latest front. Now, for the first time in history, Americans are being defrauded by their elected leaders.

    • VendicarDecarian0

      I remember when the Republican party wasn’t a party of traitors.

      • Yu So Wong

        Traitors to people who are communist liberals.

  • GWAR44

    a typical global warming believer…

    • Oldtaxpayer1001

      Not until you have a daughter like a TV personality I know in the kill area of Paris. You see when it’s yours you may well change your mind.

    • uselogic19

      True. Except most aren’t even remotely that attractive.

    • Shark_FL

      Liberalism, the ultimate safe space from Reality.

  • Sagesteve

    These NOAA MORONS are just that!!! Look up the Weather Almanac…you can type your zip code in and see what the weather will be for the next year in your area and around the world. HUGE accuracy!!!!! Know what NOAA stands for? Nitwits Out Against Assemblage.

  • Gun Control

    This is what happens when you try to push the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.

    • wiseoldfart

      I think telling us Islam is a “peaceful” religion is a bigger hoax. How do they explain those 100+ Quran verses that call for violence against infidels?

    • darkcontinent

      2nd, obongo’s election was 1st.

  • djs1138

    So… next they delete as much off their servers as they can… delay, delay, delay… more perpetual stone-walling… nothing happens… end of story… ad nauseam…

  • GWAR44

    A whistle blower under the Obama regime….

  • GWAR44

    NOAA has found the real cause for global climate change warming…..

  • Max42

    “But she has refused to turn them over, saying that deliberative communications between scientists should be protected.”

    Yet another example of an entire administration operating in secret. If all else fails, disk files “crash”. These “scientists” are government employees, being paid with the people’s money. The people have every right to know what they are doing and what they are writing. Where does this stupid woman get the idea their work should be “protected”?

    • GWAR44

      From the most transparent man in Washington…

      • Max42

        Actually, to those of us who read his books, he’s doing exactly what he said he was going to do. Some in the mainstream media and some in the Democratic Party have also known from the beginning, but since he was elected as the “first black President” they have fully supported his dictatorial “transformation”. Voters should never forget that betrayal of the American citizens by the Democratic Party.

    • odys

      I know, try to tell your employer when he or she wants the paper trail you left to make a decision or to provide advice.

    • Oldtaxpayer1001

      nd they share their wealth with those who provide the funding.

    • Paul Griggs

      I’ve also noticed that they don’t care about the rules. This language says they don’t think it should be subject to scrutiny–what matters is what the law says. Reminds me of the Democrats whining about winning the popular vote (Bush and Gore in 2000) but losing the electoral college. The law says the electoral college vote decides (although I think it’s time to change that).

  • odys

    For those of you old enough to remember when the NOAA did scientific work, you probably remember “Car 54 where are you” with Fred Gwynne as well:

    “There’s a cold front in the south
    The arctic’s regained all its ice
    There’s a bunch of global skeptics
    Who refuse to play it nice
    The temperature’s in a pause
    But we need to enact new laws!

    East Anglia CRU, where are you?”

  • Jack Coyote

    A communist plan for massive taxation, wealth and income redistribution, decimation of oil companies and the jobs they support, government control of the energy sector and therefore the economy. And to convince a brain dead electorate to vote 21st century American communist party.

    • GWAR44

      Who you calling brain dead…

  • AntiBanshee

    The science was settled back in Galileo’s time as well. He was convicted of Heresy by Pope Urban’s Inquisition because he knew that the sun is the center of the solar system, not the earth as the “settled science” of the Vatican’s teaching. These AGW high minded priests are saying that “deniers” should be criminally prosecuted. The sad part of this scam is that funds are being diverted from aid to the poor and sick of the world into solar panels and the like. Pity.

    • odys

      The vatican trying Galileo IS like the government trying skeptics. Unlike with Galileo, the NOAA’s employer is asking for the paper trail and since we paid for it we should see it.

  • Byron Allen

    compare this data with the “scientists” models. How much longer must we endure this CO2 based global warming fraud?

  • odys

    I was posting yesterday how on one hand Obama is sanguine about any threat to our safety from Syrian refugees – everybody but he is overreacting.

    Yet he needs us to implement the global warming hoax solutions right away! No need to discuss, no need to debate, got to do it! Right now!

  • lizsalander

    Expect some hard drives to fail at NOAA. A few handy disk crashes, a few mangled laptops. Oops! Just can’t recover those emails, Representative Smith.

    • GWAR44

      all agencies are allotted 20 of these under the Obama un freedom of information department

  • Stingray_3440

    When your whole AGW “theory” is a fraud and a lie, you will have these little “setbacks”.

  • FuriousYT

    So let me get this straight. NOAA is a taxpayer funded entity that we are led to believe is filled with unbiased scientists whose studies and methods are rigorous, and yet they won’t disclose their e-mails or data for public scrutiny to help dispel any concerns of impropriety the taxpayers may have?

    BIG red flag. They may as well have hired a bi-plane to write “WE’RE GUILTY!” across the sky…

  • Sud1

    I’m afraid NOAA and NASA may be too corrupt at this point to be salvageable. At this point the better option may be to shut them down. Turn their functions loose to the marketplace subsidy free. Whatever they do that is worthwhile will survive

  • darthlightbringer

    Our government is lying! Say it isn’t so!


    NOAA can’t even get the weather right much less assemble facts on the fictitious global warming scam

  • squawneye

    Like illegal immigrants, scientific papers will also not be vetted in the drive to create the new world order government that is first and foremost in the minds of the ruling elite.

  • Pepperspray137

    The apocrypha for “An Inconvenient Truth,” finds the truth just as inconvenient these days as it was back then. Down with the left’s flying spaghetti monster, “climate disruption!”

  • Phil Bickel

    It’s almost as if Hillary Clinton has been running NOAA?

  • IDSprout

    “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell

  • wiseoldfart

    The sun is going into its quiet mode. That means it will be generating less heat and handing the earth a cooling trend for at least a decade. Climatologists know this. Only a few of them will tell us the truth about it. The rest will lie for funds and perhaps bonuses and increased funding if the global carbon tax is rammed down our throats before we realize we’re now in a cooling phase.

  • darkcontinent

    Sounds like the IRS all over again. Both are pushing the liar in chief’s lying Marxists agenda.

  • dcwc16

    We need to consider making government agencies in particular individual employees accountable if they intentionally mislead or out right lie to taxpayers, whether in a report or by media. Falsifying data, hiding data, misleading other scientists to obtain false outcomes that cannot be duplicated because the data then becomes propaganda, defrauding taxpayers of grant $ and in most cases harms those very taxpayers in the pocketbook for chasing false demons.(climate change). This is outright fraud. My idea is making it a criminal offense with no statute of limitations. Immediate firing of government employees loss of all benefits they accrued, jailing scientists for fraud. I bet if there were penalties the politics will disappear. Sooner or later we will find out the truth, those responsible need to pay.

  • boca_grande

    This country is upside down. Edward Snowden has released documents of national security that have profound implications. But Obama says that Global warming is the single most treat to national security and NOAA wants to hide the facts. What we need is a “Snowden” that works for NOAA. What NOAA is afraid of is the rearranging of lots of data, not just these middle years that would make GW look like it continued to present but also other measurements they have on record. I have personally looked back at records that are hand written from dates like 1903 and there are still extremely hot days, Americans are loosing trust in our bureaucracies NOAA, NSA, FBI, DHS. The list is to long to mention here.

  • starrrgirl

    its time to clean house. there are way too many unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats running our lives.


    What’s the difference if it were rushed or published after additional review? The AGW crowd would point to the anecdotal evidence produced by flawed models to show it’s gotten warmer by a mind blowing .10 degree. Since this document was produced by such a prestigious agency it must be true. Authority bias wins again because the media is lazy and people are, well, stupid.

    I question the sincerity of any paper produce by NOAA. I’v been involved with this and many other state and federal agencies in years gone by and they are just another tax sucking bureaucracy in completion for funding. If your president and most of congress says AGW is dangerous, you need to find data, any data to back them up. If you don’t march to the same tune you’ll find yourself assigned the task of replacing an anemometer on top of Mt.Whitney in the middle of January while HR is drafting your termination notice. As with any government agency the people employed there will do whatever it takes to keep their jobs, ethical or not.

    We need to put NOAA in the same box as Hanson, Mann or Holdren when it comes to being bias on the subject. Just because NOAA is an agency and not individuals, the agency still promulgates theory as fact. What I find interesting about the AGW complex is the fact they have yet to produce a “smoking gun” after billions spent to study the theory. I’m waiting with baited breath for this paper, I’m guessing it will be an interesting read found under “fiction”.

  • Andrew Clear

    Not surprising. Someday we might actually find out that the Feds killed Kennedy. Nothing surprises me with the federal government anymore.

    But what can really be done, when you have a ton of ignorant voters. Hell, in Connecticut, they voted in a mayor, who was convicted of a felony (corruption related) while being the mayor of the same city before. Now, that should say something about voters. They put a corrupt politician back in power, once he got out of prison. That is like having a recovering alcoholic work as a bartender right after they get out of rehab.

  • formerusaf

    One would assume that these unnamed whistleblowers will be excommunicated from this faith based religious organization, otherwise known as NOAA.

  • staff office

    When Trump is elected President I would hope he goes through all these Democrat propaganda ministries and fires or jails most of the people running them.

  • Gun Control

  • Samurai

    The KARL2015 paper provided cover to scandalously add 0.12C to all raw sea surface temp data in an attempt to kill off the almost 20-yrs with no global warming trend.

    The timing of this blatant manipulation was needed prior to the Paris COP21 talks, as it would have been very embarrassing to try and extort $trilliins from governments on a failed hypothesis…

    CAGW has become such a joke…

    BTW, isn’t it convenient that NASA finally announced on Halloween that their ICESAT data (available since 1992) shows Antartic Land Ice has been INCREASING lby 100 billion tons/yr, instead of decreasing by 100 billion tons/yr as they’ve been touting for decades….

    Why did NASA wait 23 years to announce the ICESAT data?

    Was NASA afraid Congress’ FOIA requests would reveal NASA’s lies about Antarctic land ice increases, and create a scandal prior to the Paris talks???

  • Kochvilledi

    This administration and it’s cohorts come up with more reasons to ignore a subpoena. If a Republican administration acted like this, can you imagine the uproar? As it is, almost nothing from the MSM. And why aren’t the Republicans making more of an issue of all of these denials?

  • SAS

    Truth = Freedom

    Truth has been a diminishing commodity, it’s value has become priceless.

    Without it our survival as a Republic is in question.

  • BlakeSDavis

    Democrats corrupt everything they touch – the Party should be outlawed as a criminal front organization. Anyone who disagrees should take a look at the African American community under Democratic governance. Through the phony political correctness doctrine the Democrats have made it akin to racism to even mention the horrid statistics in the community under the Democrats – the misery wreaked upon this community by the Democrats for over 200 years should be a warning to any group thinking of an alliance with this corrupt institution. Latinos are the next target of Democrats, and they have taken numerous measures to ensure that this community is also subject to Democratic corruption.

  • George_Semper_fi

    In my humble opinion, the only institutions in this country that still have integrity are the USMC, The Navy SEALS, and Special OPS.
    Semper fi Bob Hope where ever you are…

    • Samurai

      Yes, Arctic sea ice follows the 30-yr Atlantic warming/coôling cycles (aka AMO).

      The current 30-yr AMO warm cycle peaked in 2007 and is now moving to switch to a 30-yr cool cycle in about 5 years…

      Arctic sea ice has slowly been INCREASING since 2007…

  • lbeacham

    So, Climate Change/Global Warming has definitively been proven political science, not environmental science. When are we going to stop listening to this small crowd of Socialist wannabes? The veil has been long lifted. Short term climate is any bodies guess, long term can’t be known. We will adapt no matter what happens. I though Liberals were onboard with evolution?

  • Attilathehun

    In 1922 authorites in Norway were alarmed about “unheard of” warming in the Arctic. Fish migrations were abnormal and glacierrs were melting. Facilitating story. See the official report at

    • Mike0oSS

      One thing is for sure Attila…there truly is nothing new under the Sun eh

    • Gunny G Anti Liberal Zone

      And the NY Times was predicting in 1880 that we’d all be dead from global warming, caused by the Industrial Revolution, by 1900. Guess they were wrong huh?

  • Prospector

    Eisenhower warned us about the “military industrial complex”, but he also warned us in the same speech about the potential of a “scientific technological elite” that would use public monies to hijack public policy:

    “Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

    In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

    Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

    The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.

    Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

  • MyOpinionPost

    They were only following orders!

  • Fred Doe

    Government officials found to be corrupt should be hung swiftly. That is how you ensure honesty.

    • MyOpinionPost

      Who would be left? BTW it is hanged, I am hung, criminals are hanged.

  • Daz

    NOAA LIARS. On that note, someone give the big dildo up the Weather Channel the next time they give a name to a winter storm. MORONS.

  • Madison431

    Add the Obama Labor Dept. to the Climate Change Gestapo

    Pension fund managers can now be sued if they invest in companies without using “climate change” as a primary factor in their decision.

  • silencedogoodreturns

    I imagine the hard drives crashed. Or the dog ate them. Or something.

    • ellerfeller

      The records were accidentally erased with Clintons “private” emails.

  • ellerfeller

    When it comes to Global Warming…the Libs problem is…it’s not!

  • Griefner

    A little history on Global Warming in Alaska….

    In 1794, Captain George Vancouver cruised by what is now the entrance to Glacier Bay & found it to be filled with tidewater glaciers & no bay. In 1879 almost a hundred year later John Muir visited the same area & noticed that the glacier had retreated 48 miles north into the bay. Today, those same glaciers have retreated a total of 60 miles in a little over 200 years.

    80% of the melting occurred between 1794 and 1879. 85 years prior to the industrial revolution.

    20% of the melting has occurred from 1879 to 2015. 136 years after the industrial revolution.

    Climate Change happens; has been since the beginning of time.

    Man has had very little, if anything, to do with it.

    Obumbler will not relate these facts to you because they go against his personal war on fossil fuels.

  • Arec Bardwin

    Climate Science 101: If the observations don’t fit the hypothesis, change the observations.

  • Jim Madison

    I don’t agree that government funded scientists should enjoy the same privacy. When your research is used for political purposes it should be subject to the same scrutiny as any other political information.

  • itsy_bitsy

    The “Climate Change” agenda is not about facts! It has never been about facts, it is about power! The power to control people even further in their everyday lives, and to use this control to further enrich themselves and their pet projects! CONTROL is the word!

    • OldOllie

      Put more simply, it’s a hoax so liberals can boss people around and take their stuff.

  • Crazy Barry

    Wow! This scam was allot easier when the dem’s had control of Congress. These nosey Republicans need to be exposed as the racist, biggoted, homophobic climate deniers that they are! Can I make whisleblowing against a black man’s administration a federal hate crime?

  • ithakavi

    NOAA cannot tell you what the weather will be two weeks from now, but it now claims it can tell you what global temperature will be fifty years from now. Perhaps this is coming from the suits and bureaucrats and not the real weathermen.

    And I remember when NASA was in the business of putting men in space. Now its primary missions are junk science and Muslim outreach.

  • 1tymtrvlr

    The sky is falling again! we quit using hydroflourocarbon, hair spray and the ozone layer is getting bigger. What is the final consequence of Global Warming? As near as I can tell, the Earth will green up again, the Sahara Desert will become the Sahara forest……so what? The trees will produce more oxygen, cleaner, the oceans will scrub the Earths atmosphere, we will be able to grow more food in barren lands, I am looking for a downside, other than having to raise our boat docks 18 inches, where is the downside? new orleans will finally rest where it should have been a 100 years ago, at the bottom of the ocean, small loss. The Great Lakes will fill up again, there will be more precipitation world wide. I would think the marxists would try to develope another boogy man, like aliens from the planet Flatulent coming to stink up our air, something we could all believe in. I think NOAA should actually do their ocean rising measurement when the tide is low, they will see that the Moon is causing their ocean rise, and fall, we could cal it ” Low or High Tide ” and we could call the yearly Earth cycles ” Seasons ” there could be 4 seasons during the course of the year, when it gets cold, and that white stuff falls from the sky, we could call it winter, and when it gets hot, we could call that part of the cycle ” Summer ” the other 2 segments are transitional from cold to hot we would call it ” Spring ” and from hot to cold, we could call it ” Fall ” as the temperature starts to………” fall “. Oh joyous day and a hallehluyuh, problem solved. Next?

  • Anscotman

    If they are refusing to turn over the requested documentation…….you know they are hiding something. Wasn’t this administration supposed to be the most transparent in history? Guess not.

  • billyjeff2

    Smith is hardly a skeptic. He’s an ideological denier.

    • Anscotman

      And 100% correct in denying an obvious hoax.

      • billyjeff2

        yup. kinda like the hoax of the law of gravity. pure bunkum!

        • Anscotman

          Gravity is proven and a law of nature, not to mention obvious………AGW is a theory without any substantive proof so far. Does the climat change? Yep, always has. Are humans responsible? Not as far as anyone can tell or prove.

          • billyjeff2

            I agree-there is a law of gravity, and AGW is theory; not a proven law of science. That being said–there is a ton, and growing, of evidence indicating that the theory that a large increase of heat-storing of gases introduced into the atmosphere will in fact, over time, result in heating of the atmosphere/earth. unless you don’t believe greenhouse gases trap heat, or that water boils at 212 degrees.

        • Cipher’s Solution

          too shay..and..

    • Gunny G Anti Liberal Zone

      Can we get some of that global warming up here in AK? Pretty cold out right now.

      • billyjeff2

        if you believe that short term weather in one section of a state in one country on one continent in one section of the globe has relevance to the issue of AGW, you really need to get educated on this subject.

        • Dr Chambers

          Well, I live in Florida. The climate hasn’t changed here since the state was founded. I have a house on the Gulf for over 25 years. Still waiting for the sea level to reach my front yard. In fact, I’m waiting for the level to rise above where it was 30 years ago. And the temperature! Oh, my. Why it’s average 87% here in the summer for last 30 years. And my house in Park City, Utah. Been covered in snow every winter since 1980. Climate in both places hasn’t changed since you started your phony religion.

          • billyjeff2

            pls re-read my post. and when you get learned on the fact AGW is not specific to one state; or two states; in one country; based upon the observations of the likes of you, you’ll become a bit more educated on this topic than your are right now.

          • Dr Chambers

            I am well educated in science ,AS I am a scientist. I will put my credentials against your GED any day. You are a leftist tool who probably has never been out your basement or garage. What you don’t know is how the data is manipulated, under reported or not reported at all. And then there is the modeling. Not to mention the simulation. You’re an ignorant fool.

          • billyjeff2

            I think I understand: as a highly-trained scientist you subscribe to the theory that the vast majority of climate scientists are engaged in a Grand Conspiracy to commit fraud. Oh, and that Elvis is still alive. Got it.

    • John

      “Denier” is a religious term. AGW is a religion at best.

      • billyjeff2

        right-kinda like the religion of those who believe in the so-called “law of gravity”.

  • MNbobster

    They blink their eyes and it just happened.

  • Cipher’s Solution

    Good ol’ whistleblowers……… Can’t live with them when you’re a partisan political hack organization, can’t live without them if you’re an honest person trying to make a living……

    • BobTheBuilder2

      They’ll never work in government again. Poor guys.

  • BobTheBuilder2

    Obama has fundamentally transformed the government. Similar to what the Nazis did before.

  • yzdeaner

    Ok all you global warming wackos, please answer a few honest questions for me.OK? The current measure of C02 in the atmosphere as of October 2015 is 400ppm. Sounds scary. Right? Question #1….What does that mean in terms of percent concentration? I will answer the question for you……0.04%, which is 4/100ths of 1 percent. Therefore, C02 is a trace gas which IS ESSENTIALLY meaningless. But let’s move on……Even though there are several times in earth’s history when the concentration was substantial higher (ie 700-800ppm, at what concentration would the global warming alarmist feel is “acceptable”? This is a multiple choice question. A) 100ppm (0.01%), B) 200ppm (0.02%), C) 300ppm (0.03%) D) none of the above. Lastly, Question #3 Tell me why, backed by scientific proof.

  • Gunny G Anti Liberal Zone

    The pinheads at NOAA had to rush the paper to support the pinhead in the White House and the other two yapping nitwits, Killary Benghazi and Bernie the Commie.

  • spawn44

    Has THE FOREIGNERS corrupt fingerprints all over it. I say if they don’t put forth all their research data immediately they go to jail. Simple as that. Then send in the auditors.

  • Duke Silver

    Seize the hardware like the IRS would if you or I were accused of cheating. Watch the cockroaches scurry….

  • yzdeaner

    Next question….if you chose any C02 concentration at 200ppm or lower to my question below, please correlate that level to the time frame in history and the temperature on Earth when that concentration existed.

  • DennyOR

    The executive branch of our federal government has becomes a one-party propaganda and dirty tricks machine.

  • Gunny G Anti Liberal Zone

    I live in Alaska and I’m all for more global warming and more CO2 in order to grow my crops better and longer.

  • 1911

    NOAA wrong again? oh noes! What else do you expect from an institution where your job is the equivalent of a w.a.g. The only job in the US (besides Obama I guess) where you can be totally wrong every single day, and still be employed.

  • yzdeaner



    Yah, the feds are lying to push a disingenuous narrative. Seems like that’s the standard SOP for Democrats these days. Integrity is not a word in the Democrat vocabulary.

  • krusatyr

    Bolshevik Climate Clergy elites at IPCC/EastAnglia/NOAA, in keeping with their millennia old voodoo extortion of villagers demanding sacrifices be brought to their Temple of Doom to prevent/forestall Earthquakes, hurricanes, flood, drought and pestilence, ought be drenched in chicken blood and feathers, spun in blindfolded circles and given a stick to shake at the sun, whence originates climate swings on earth.

    And what ought be the come-uppance for the servile peasant Temple slaves who worship these shamans, even today, which slaves willingly trade their freedom for the pc feeling of pigressive acceptance?

    Permit their drug marinated climate kahunas, as in days of old, to reach into their chests and pluck out their still beating, blood spurting hearts before their still conscious peasant eyes?

  • Walhei

    Progressive, Socialits DEmocrats are Communist. They use the save strategies. Create a panic, then ask for billions of dollars to STUDY IT. It is always about money and power.
    Obama is the big manipulator. He deceives, lies, and delays, to wok out is illegal goals. Why, why, has no one thought to impeach Obama? Does Obama have everyone so scared?
    I suspect Obama personally make most decisions, through his Czars, on and in, every department of government. CIA, Treasury, Education, and all other departments. He is probably also trying to control the Stock Market, buying and Selling of Gold and Silver. Obama is dangerous and needs to be removed from office soon. He is destroying America!

  • Buddy

    Well, Obama’s time is running short and the cronies haven’t gorged themselves enough at the public trough. Hell, they have their big Paris moronic convergence coming up and need some fear to sell.

  • Mike Gilmer

    Climate change is real! So is Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Peter Pan.

  • us1patriot

    A video “caused” the rush to publication.

    That is the Obama Regime’s standard response when caught in lies!

  • Global Bobo

    In the religion of Global Warming/Climate Change, the ends justifies the means – period.

  • Joel from Edgewater

    Emails to/from a government computer are generally available for release via the Freedom of Information Act. There are a few exceptions, such as emails containing personal data, classified messages, etc. 99% of the emails sent between NOAA scientists and administrators should be releasable via FOIA. The only reason the Commerce secretary and NOAA administrator are stonewalling is because there is some damning stuff in there.

  • Andrew Lovsness

    I find it sad that every institution Americans trust has now been corrupted for political partisanship. Is it any wonder Sanders and Trump are doing so well? Both sides of the proletariat have zero faith in the political establishment.

  • TheTruthIsNotPC

    Global Warming “science”, (now “Climate Change”, as though the earth’s climate has been steady state for thousands of years) has progressed from “consensus” (there was once a consensus that the Earth is flat) to outright data fudging and fraud. THe fallout for real science will be felt in years to come.

  • Sweating Polar Bear

    All my ice is gone! – it’s either global warming or my freezer is broken.

  • Montana2011yeah

    There is not a consensus in the scientific community on climate change. Dissenters are still being silenced.

  • clearthinker

    Most do not believe that global warming/climate change is cause by man. Only orgs and Gore, who gave an agenda believe this, despite the evidence that so many are too quick to deny.

  • Antonious

    How come we have all these scandals with government employees? We have had dozens implicated in the Democrat scandals, usually involving “non-partisan” govt employees using their positions to abuse our citizens. Dozens have been arrested and dozens more have lost their jobs. The scientists just want unlimited govt money, surely we all know that by now?

  • Brian Barkley

    There is no practical application of scientific consensus.
    Consensus is just a word politicians use to insist we need to hire politicians to “fix” the weather in a hundred years.

  • Brian Barkley

    If scientists were really on the same page about this there would not only be no opposition to releasing this information, they would be proactively putting their communications out there for all to see.

  • T.W.

    I think anyone who watches the weather report knows the climate changes all the time. Liberals are a blight on America.

  • Mitch Rapp

    Even the Red Chinese Communists know bullshit when they see it.

  • MysteryMan

    I love the lefties that try to make a point between “weather” and “climate” …. when it’s hot somewhere it’s “climate change”, when it’s cold somewhere it’s “weather”. When there are no storms it’s “weather” when there is a storm it’s “climate change”. When Florida breaks a cold record it’s “weather” when Alaska breaks a warm record it’s “Climate” …. you guys are so full of BS you have your own freakin climate that surrounds you … and it stinks.

  • Gail Combs

    NOAA does not have a leg to stand on since there can be ‘No Expectation of Privacy’

    #1. Freedom of Information makes it clear the public can demand government records. Names can be redacted to cover privacy issues.

    #2. The Supreme Court has ruled on ‘Expectation of Privacy’ outside the home.
    Oliver v. United States
    Decided: April 17, 1984

    No single factor determines whether an individual legitimately may claim under the Fourth Amendment that a place should be free of government intrusion not authorized by warrant…. we reaffirm today, may be understood as providing that an individual may not legitimately demand privacy for activities conducted out of doors in fields, except in the area immediately surrounding the home…open fields do not provide the setting for those intimate activities that the Amendment is intended to shelter from government interference or surveillance… Moreover, as a practical matter, these lands usually are accessible to the public and the police in ways that a home, an office, or commercial structure would not be. … The existence of a property right is but one element in determining whether expectations of privacy are legitimate…

  • Jason

    They want to tax you for something they say will happen in the future. Too bad the government will not do something about the terrorism happening today.

  • akabillybob

    Once the trust is lost in regards to fabricated or false data coming from these government institutions, the time to disband them has arrived.
    NOAA data = suspect or falsified.
    NOAA Employees = Traitorous government employees.

  • Roger Bacon

    North and South America don’t exist. In 1491 it was settled science that the world was flat. Nothing out there but ocean and sea monsters. Consensus!

    • FortSteve

      That’s correct and if us nasty right wingers don’t agree, we should be thrown in prison.

  • ImaHippyBurning

    What a bunch of Crap! Time to force these lying so called scientists to do something productive and definitely predictable like “Go Fight ISIS” as they are far more threatening to your lives than 1/10 of 1% warming of the planet in the next hundred years!

  • Kortney Dunkle

    All government agencies are staffed and managed by liberals or hard core
    democrats. That is why they are all so hostile. If Trump wins, he must purge
    and restore a political balance in these agencies. Or eliminate them.

    • IskurBlast

      Yep just look at the voting patterns in suburban DC. Its solid blue. Who do you think these people are? Do you think that they are life long blue collar Virginians? Nope. They are bureaucrats who work in DC but would never live there because democrats turned it into a shithole.

  • Skeptic

    Far Left Democrats are destroying the Fundamental Institution of Science……

    ….which has bettered all of our lives and freed us from the Foolishness of Fundamental Religion……

    I am an atheist…..

    I am trained in Science…..

    Global Warming Alarmism propagated by the Left through the Media, Hollywood, and Academia…..

    ….is NOT Empirical Science…..

    Empirical Science is fundamentally grounded in Skepticism, Doubt, and Cynicism regarding accepted Truth and Authority…..

    If you don’t think so………read a book about the ‘History of Science…..

    • Andrew Stern

      Fair enough regarding the leftists, but your point about being an atheist is irrelevant. I’m a believer, but I’m also an Engineer with a strong background in Chemistry and Physics. Most of what we know today about the hard sciences was developed and proven by men who believed in God. Belief and scientific understanding are not mutually exclusive.

      • Skeptic

        You sound like someone I respect fully…..

        I admit that Science grew out of Theism…..

        An ordered world created by an Intelligent God…..means that it can be studied and the mechanisms elucidated….

        I agree…..

        I don’t believe because I see Science everywhere and only feel Religion in my Emotions…..

        ….namely, my Fear, Guilt, and Desire for Survival and Protection…..

  • booboo

    Climate change has become the religion of the left

    • booboo

      I remember being told that a mini ice age was imminent. The polar vortex of 1980 was suppose to be prof.

      • Skeptic

        And Pat Robertson said that Hurricane Katrina was ‘god’s’ punishment for Gays and Lesbians…..

        Same intellectual vein…..

        • Andrew Stern

          Just because Pat Robertson is a fruitcake, doesn’t mean all religious people are fruitcakes. That’s just bigotry on your part.

          • Skeptic

            All Religious People definitely are not fruitcakes….

            They represent the other side of the Human Mind that realizes the many Mysteries and Unknowns….

            …..of the Human Experience….

            I would never want to eliminate them…..


        • Dr Chambers

          Are you denying that homosexuals weren’t punished in Hurricane Katrina?

    • Skeptic

      You are 100% correct….

    • Andrew Stern

      Naw, it’s one aspect of the religion of the left, which is the State. The political left worship the State. Totalitarianism is their God.

  • 1crappie2

    The one-world deceivers will do what the agenda says. The lies are to be ignored by the masses. Orwell had no idea how devious and all encompassing the power-mongers will be to control us.
    Government is merely one of their tools. The UN will be the focal point and manage the game.
    Nice going liberals and your complicit GOPe friends against truth and freedom.

    • Skeptic

      And we should do whatever Israel says we should do in the Middle East???

      And we should ignore the theft of Palestinian Land and their Multi-Decades Occupation??

      Lies, Propaganda, and Anti-Truth exists on all sides of the Political Spectrum…..

      • Andrew Stern

        Those are straw men arguments, meaning you brought them up so you could attack them. 1crappie2 didn’t say a word about those things. It’s pure logical fallacy on your part, Skeptic.

        I think you’re misspelling your name. It’s spelled Septic.

        • Skeptic


          So cliche, Gomer…..

          All your Logic and Rational break down, Stern, when it comes to defending your Tribe….


          You are Human……for sure….

      • Dr Chambers

        First of all, there is no Palestinian people. Never has been. This is the sole creation of of the PLO movement. There was never a nation of Palestine nor a Palestinian land. You might want to consult another text book for a more accurate historical account of the facts.

  • Skeptic

    This website should have thousands of comments……per article….

    Science is interesting…’s cool……

    It’s where the Greys of Life and Reality are the most stark…..

    It’s where there is Freedom….

    It’s where there is not the 6 Days of Creation…..

    It’s where there is admittedly no true answer to where the Universe emerged from or where Reality emerged from…..

    There should be more debate here….

    It’s here that we can expose the Religionists from the Right and the Left…..

    Religion = It’s all Figured Out

    Science = There is still more to Learn and Understand

    Which side are you on?

    • helping a fool

      What a silly comment. I am a religious right winger. I have no problem admitting that there are things I have no answer to and most liekly will never have answer to. In fact, most important issues are unanswered and probably unanswerable. And to top it off, I love science. I just realize its limitations. It is the people who have science as a religion that think science is infallible and that it will eventually answer every question. It’s track record is so good! ha ha ha. Every “answer” brings more complex problems. I suggest you read a book the the limitations of science.

      • Skeptic

        Science has more potential for answering every question than Traditional Religion…..

        That is…….truly Empirical Science….

        Science is everywhere….

        You used your Scientific Mind to analyze my comment….

        Good job….

        Science comes from the Human Mind…….and it is Limited….

        Science can help you realize how small you are in comparison to Reality and therefore trigger Compassion for other Humans…

        Science can help solve a myriad of problems…

        Science is not a Building…….it is a fundamental phenomenon of the Human Mind….

        I’m glad we both like Science…..

        • helping a fool

          What is with the weird format of your comments? If you have something to say then say it. Don’t use a shotgun approach to throw out a dozen unrelated statements. That is weak. I will say it again. You need to understand the limitations of science. It is pretty much settled that while science can help model the physical universe and lead to neat technologies that make life better – it will not find absolute truth and it will not answer the important questions of life. Why are we here? What is our purpose? What is moral? What happened before the big bang? Are there other universes? Are there other dimensions? These are questions that either (1) science can only speculate about or that (2) science can only imply from models and not empirical evidence. Science is not better at finding truth than religion or logic. It finds one kind of relative truth (about the past and future of physical phenomenon) but can’t answer the most important questions. Look up what hume, godel, etc said about science. It destroys the idea that science is infallible.

          • Skeptic

            What is with the weird compression of your thoughts into opaque sardine packed sentences???

            Who taught you that is the proper way to comment??


            What if Fundamental Islamists gain majority demographic control of Europe and America??

            Do you want them leading the Quest to answer…..

            ….Why are we here?….What is our Purpose?….What is Moral?…..What happened before the Big Bang???

            Are there other Universes??….Are there other Dimensions???

            I would rather have a group of Atheists, Theists, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, and Muslims….

            ….in the Scientific and Philosophic communities….

            ….academically debating those points……with democratically ruled academic journals publishing…..

          • helping a fool

            I agree that islamists are dangerous. In fact, they should all be killed if they will not renounce violence. Unfortunately, clueless secular western society has no idea how dangerous islamists are. The typical silly liberal line is – we are all the same; we just want the best for our children. Yeah, that is true if you mean blowing up the children of islamists is the best for them. Ultimately science is no better than religion or philosophy. I’d say for secular western societies science is more dangerous than religion. Science is not completely objective. And scientists very often have a religion of science meaning they don’t know or won’t acknowledge its limitations. That is dangerous. I think we are done here. Please try to be more coherent in the future.

          • Skeptic

            You are on to Logic…..

            …when you start biting your Tail……

            …and devouring yourself….

            You are Science… comes from your Mind…..

            Science can be a Religion….

            You’re right…..

            And Religion can be a deathtrap for Rationality….


          • helping and winning!

            Wow, you AI comment generating programs are getting better. But it is still obvious that you are creating nonsensical comments.

          • Skeptic


            Losing and Hurting Yourself…..

            …..please quit….

            You’re welcome….


          • helping and winning!

            Charlie? Is that you? How is that HIV treating you?

          • Skeptic

            And a………swing and a miss….


            Don’t quit yet……….Hank…..


          • Dr Chambers

            What I always found interesting when I was an up and coming scientist is none of my professors, and I mean none, could ever explain the “Big Bang Theory”. For example, how do explain that the planet earth happens to be the only planet that happens to be the precise distance from the sun that can sustain life (without a life support system)? How is it that earth has an axial tilt of 177 degrees that fosters a climate that sustains life when no other planet do. Why do we have on moon that affects our tides. How is it we an atmosphere that supports human life and no other planet has the climate, temperature, atmosphere or resources to do the same. But biggest question they can never answer is, “What created the big bang”? Science, it’s so settled, right?

  • Andrew Stern

    From Hilton Kramer – he’s writing about Stalinists, but it applies well to the AGW crowd:

    It is in the nature of Stalinism for its adherents to make a certain kind of lying—and not only to others, but first of all to themselves—a fundamental part of their lives. It is always a mistake to assume that Stalinists do not know the truth about the political reality they espouse. If they don’t know the truth (or all of it) one day, they know it the next, and it makes absolutely no difference to them politically For their loyalty is to something other than the truth. And no historical enormity is so great, no personal humiliation or betrayal so extreme, no crime so heinous that it cannot be assimilated into the “ideals” that govern the true Stalinist mind which is impervious alike to documentary evidence and moral discrimination.

    • Skeptic

      And Israel is a Holy and Chosen Nation which commits no wrong against Arabs….

      …..and is a Perpetual Victim??

      There are Conservative Stalinists who will destroy you any way they can to further Greater Ersatz Israel….

      Let everything be in the open for debate….

      All things…

      No matter how Sacred….

      • Andrew Stern

        You’re a nutjob. I didn’t bring up Israel. You did, because you had no answer to my comment, so you changed the subject to something you hate so you could argue against that. It’s a childish tactic.

        • Skeptic

          You are anti-Science…..

          You are just as delusional and fundamentalist as the most anti-intellectual Leftist…..


          • Andrew Stern

            Ah, good old ad hominem. You can’t refute my points, so instead of attacking them, you attack me. Please, point out my comments that are “anti-science”.

            Go find another message thread to spam.

          • Skeptic

            “You’re a Nutjob”….

            ….because I choose to criticize Israel…..

            Are you more committed to Israel…….or Empirical Science and Humanity as a whole???

          • jtomka

            You are being silly.

          • Skeptic

            You are being Human…..


        • Skeptic


          The Scientific Human Mind…….necessitates the Evolution beyond the Tribalistic Archaic Mind…..

          Will you Evolve or Stagnate??

  • Susan Wood

    Does the NOAA believe the sun is entering a “hibernation” period? The Royal Astronomical group does.

    • Skeptic

      They will admit so in Private……

      …..just as long as they don’t do so Publicly….

      They don’t want to harm the Progressivist Movement….

  • Dwayne Keith

    The planet has been warming steadily since the last ice age and there is abundant geologic evidence that this is cyclical. The earth has been water world and and ice cube several times over and will be both again. Seizing on this natural phenomena, the left is conning their way toward a blank check for progressive goodies vis-a-vis carbon taxes and is planning to use same to handicap capitalism so as to make their statist economic systems even remotely competitive. It’s a “twofer.” Then they made an unholy alliance with academia in the way of endless government grant monies for climate scientists so most of them don’t end up having to ask, “paper of plastic” and are therefore only too happy to produce papers and findings that support excessive warming. The sad thing is that we allowed the leftwing school system to indoctrinate our kids that all of this is genuine and now they all believe it without question.

    • Skeptic

      Too conspiratorial…..

      …but, you’re definitely on to something….

  • oldbithead

    This is all you really need to read to understand the landscape of this entire issue:

    IBD is not just some internet publication with an agenda.
    This article has been spiked by every news organization in existence.

    • Isandhlwana79

      True! Something the AGW kooks simply ignore.

  • goodspkr

    That study is a joke. The adjusted the better data up rather than adjust the poorer data down to match the better data. And we know it was the better data since they gave it more weight after they adjusted it. Only a fool would buy into that.

    • IskurBlast

      But … there are plenty of fools.

    • DesertDawg

      Even worse, the original data was flawed. They purposefully skipped satellite and ocean data, and only used US based land instruments, most of which have been encroached on by growing cites over the last 20 years… meaning comparative data is useless.

      • Skeptic

        That is in the disservice of Science…..

        True Scientists follow wherever the data leads……

        Do you want to know why your roof is leaking???

        You’ll follow the data wherever it leads, right???

        Then you’re being a more Pure Scientist than those at NOAA or NASA….

      • goodspkr

        But they want a study which says there has been no hiatus before the Paris meeting. Do you realize how many times they have found the hiatus doesn’t exist? They’ve found the missing heat in the deep ocean, in the middle ocean and on the surface of the ocean. They’ve found it in the Pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean and the Indian Ocean.

        Here are some headlines on the missing heat.

        Recent hiatus caused by decadal shift in Indo-Pacific heating

        New paper finds the 18+ year ‘pause’ of global warming is not due to missing heat hiding in the deep oceans

        Missing heat not in deep oceans but “found” in missing data in upper ocean instead

        Trenberth’s “missing heat” is hiding in the Atlantic, not Pacific as Trenberth claimed

        “Slowdown” due to “a delayed rebound effect from 1991 Mount Pinatubo aerosols and deep prolonged solar minimum”

        The “slowdown” is “probably just barely statistically significant” and not “meaningful in terms of the public discourse about climate change”

        The”recent hiatus in global warming is mainly caused by internal variability of the climate” because “anthropogenic aerosol emissions from Europe and North America towards China and India between 1996 and 2010 has surprisingly warmed rather than cooled the global climate.”

        There are lots more. But here’s the interesting part. They claim 97% of scientific papers support climate change. All of these do, but they contradict one another. But they still count toward that 97%.

        • DesertDawg

          Right. The Laws of Thermodynamics have been suspended and now oceans are sucking all the global warming out of the atmosphere.

  • Barry Bin Inhalin

    Well ‘science’ had to show the ‘results’ before the big Paris Hot Air Talks (truth be damned).
    No one but the brain dead and Democrats (oxymoron, I know) believe it anyway.

    • Skeptic

      Believe what?

  • hammerstamp

    NOAA produces designer climate science… the science of adjusting data to fit a particular preconception.

    • Skeptic

      That is the way appears….

      Although, NASA did publish a Study last week saying that Antarctic Ice is growing….

      Conveniently, it was ignored by the mainstream Press……

  • DesertDawg

    Maybe when there’s actual evidence of global warming, as opposed to computer models that have to be reprogrammed every time the weather/climate doesn’t do what it’s told… then we’ll listen.

    Maybe when all the solutions to alleged global warming don’t involve the transfer of wealth… then we’ll care.

    • Skeptic

      There is evidence of global warming……

      But, it stopped in 1998….roughly…..

      The question is whether the release of anthropomorphic greenhouse gases…..

      …..played any role in that…..

      The question is: What role does the release of anthropomorphic greenhouse gases play on Climate Variability???

      That question still has NOT been answered by the Climate Science Community….


      It is exceedingly complex and multifaceted…..

      It doesn’t jive well with Governmental Initiatives and Media Talking Points…..

  • government watchdog

    What could you expect from democrat operatives and Obama supporters. All of his appointment are either angry blacks or 100% democrat people. And then the party of liars say the Republicans will not try to get along and share.

    • Skeptic


  • Alec Stuart

    NASA’s mistake was to invest tens of billions of dollars in a dead end reusable Space Shuttle that came nowhere close to fulfilling its potential to drastically reduce the cost of human spaceflight. Now left with diminished funding and nothing in the way of a man-rated space vehicle, their only salvation was to massage the leftist climate narrative of the Obama Regime as a means to open a line of credit at the Bank Of Climate Disruption. (Formerly the Bank Of Climate Change, formerly the Bank Of GloBull Warming)

    NOAA? They’ve always been a front for the environmental Left as a means to disseminate propaganda. The whole Department Of Commerce should be shuttered and flushed.

    • Skeptic

      Too Conspiratorial…..

      But, I hope you Vote on Nov. 4th 2016 for the Republican Party…..

      I could empathize with you……..on a different day….

      • Alec Stuart

        Just calling it like I see it, Skeptic. You are probably right though, but I must remind myself of that old saying: Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean that they’re not after you.

        And I will indeed be voting in November 2016, probably for the GOP. Just not on Friday the 4th. Cheers!

        • Skeptic

          I’ll be voting on Nov. 4th 2016 for the Republican Candidate… matter who it is…..

          I’m paranoid a bit also : )

          They’re not after us personally…….just tribally……in a wide sense…….

          But, as members of a tribe…….we should take it personally……

          ….and fight back for our Survival……

          • Alec Stuart

            Agreed. Except for that bit about voting on Nov. 4th 2016, as that isn’t Election Day. Touch of snark there, it seems…another way of saying that you will not be voting.

          • Skeptic

            I’ll be voting on Election Day 2016…..

            I’ve been corrected…’s Nov. 1st….

            Thank you….


  • Libertexan

    It’s funny how government agencies, who are required by law to provide information through FOIA, never comply. And the public, who are protected by the Constitution via the 4th amendment, always have their information illegally taken by the government. When are Americans going to put a stop to top-down rule, reclaim their individual liberties, and limit government overreach?

    • Skeptic

      One of the most Logical Comments in a while…….

      Great Job….

    • Microaggressive

      That would involve expelling certain tribal parasites who made it their mission to turn America into their idea of what is best.

      We are not ready for that

  • Whatevs

    They predicted global cooling in the ’70s. Did that ever happen? If so, maybe I didn’t notice it? I dunno…it’s tough to keep up with these professional predictors.

    • Skeptic

      Just Vote on Nov. 4th 2016 for the Republicans and your headaches will be alleviated slightly….

      It’s all you can ask from the Political System…..

      Better than nothing…


      • Whatevs

        According to your profile, you have over 48,000 comments since 2013?? Holy cr@p!! LOL

        • Skeptic

          Which means what?

  • propel7

    Appears that most of our so-called Government has been compromised and corrupted by those with their own agenda. What is that agenda? Is it to create a Global Carbon Police force connected to a world Government run by satanist Bankers? Empower the UN to receive a Global Tax, based on Chem-trails that actually create more HEAT, and HAARP which can change weather patterns and likely create hurricanes? So they can turn the “Global Warming” off any time they want. It is another SCAM to empower themselves. They actually need a bullet. A bullet would “empower” them straight to hell. People are only oppressed for so long before the oppressors are left swinging in the wind from the end of a rope.

    • Skeptic

      Just Vote Republican on Nov. 4th 2016……

      ….and your worries about Satanist Bankers will be reduced……

      • Isandhlwana79

        Election day is Nov. 1st, TUESDAY.

        • Skeptic


          Thanks for reminding me….

  • John D

    The NOAA is just another corrupt department now that they report to the Obama Administration. They should fire whomever is responsible for this outrage. Of course, Federal employees are never fired regardless of their incompetence. . That is why there is so much incompetence and corruption..

    • Skeptic

      Jesus died 2000 years ago and Billions of people still believe in him….

      Obama doesn’t control the minds of the EPA, NOAA, and NASA….

      They are committed to Gaia……for whatever tangential reason……as he is…..

      • DesertDawg

        No, but Obama does control their budgets and spokespeople.

        • Skeptic

          Not really……maybe slightly…….

  • Juanita Broaddrick’s Lip

    In the absence of data and other evidence, these ‘scientists” have only their faith in anthropogenic climate change to sustain them.

    Anything for a buck…

    • Skeptic

      Not completely…..

      There is data to suggest that anthropogenic greenhouse gases do contribute to climate change…..

      The question is: How much?

      The question is: Is it bad or good?

      The question is: Do anthropogenic greenhouse gas releases do more harm than good?

      • DesertDawg

        The plants of the earth would like to know what the alarmists have against carbon dioxide.

        • Skeptic

          I would 100% agree with that comment……and its satire….


          Plants would be laughing hysterically at Liberal Alarmists if they could…..

  • Skeptic

    What is CO2??

    Carbon Dioxide…..

    How is Carbon Dioxide important to Life on Earth??

    It is the Fundamental Building Block of Organic Life…..

    Algae, Phytoplankton, and Plants…..

    ….absorb CO2 through their Cellular Membranes…….

    ….to synthesize Carbohydrates……

    …….which are used for their own Metabolism and Reproduction….

    ……or eaten by Secondary and Tertiary Heterotrophs like us Homosapiens……

    We get our Carbon… build our Carbon (Organic) Bio-Macromolecules…….like DNA, RNA, Polysaccharides, Lipids, Proteins……

    ……from the CO2 that was fixed by the Primary Autotrophs (Algae, Phytoplankton, Plants)……

    Carbon Dioxide = Organic Life

    Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere = 400ppm……..or in other words = 0.04%

    Carbon Dioxide in our Lungs Exhale = 400000ppm……..


    Fight back….

  • Marx

    NASA = Muslim outreach agency

    NOAA = The art of the lie.

    what a state we’re in

    • Skeptic


  • jojo

    Not only did we enter an ice age in the1970 ‘s but we ran out of fossil fuels by 1985, if that wasn’t bad enough we suffered the blow of y2k. Oh wait none of. that happened either.

    • camnpat

      You forgot Florida and New York underwater by now, and snow a thing that kids born in the early 2000’s would know nothing about.

      • Skeptic


        They failed on those predictions also….

        • goodspkr

          Tipping points

          May 11, 1983 Mostafa Tolba Executive director of the UN Environment Program warned that the turn of the 21st century would turn into an environmental catastrophe as complete and irreversible as a nuclear holocaust.

          1989 the UN issued a 10 year tipping point.

          2006 Al Gore created a 10 year tipping point.

          2007 IPCC leader Pachauri declared 2012 as the deadline before it would be too late to fight climate change.

          2009 James Hansen of NASA declared Obama only had his first term to save the planet.

          2012 the UN foundation gave the earth a 4 year reprieve as “the last window of opportunity” to save the planet.

          2014 the IPCC gave the earth 15 years to cut carbon emissions.

          2014 Michael Mann gave the earth until 2036 before we cross the threshold.

          2015 The Earth League, a group composed mostly of climate personalities have extended the green point of no return to 2040

          Pardon us if we don’t believe you any more.

          • Skeptic

            I agree…..

            Sounds like personal psychotic neurotic psychiatric deficiencies and symptoms….

            ….have replaced logical rationality…..

            Maybe the US should switch its UN Funding to their Departmental Psychiatric Department…..

            A lot of people have lost Traditional Religions that they’ve grown up with…

            …..but, still have the doom, gloom, and guilt predilections…..

            ….which are transferrable to the Climate Religions….

    • DesertDawg

      I’d like to know… when has a global warming alarmist’s predictions ever come true?

      • Skeptic

        I’ll get back to you on that….


      • jojo

        Maybe when they said hurry up I got to crap

  • Ken Martin

    These brilliant scientists are pushing carbon dioxide when the real controlling factor is sunspot activity. The left wingers are jumping on AGM because they want control, the democrats are pushing it because it’s a way for them to get deeper in your pockets. It’s all a crock of BS.

    • Skeptic

      Somewhat true probably…..

      Do Republicans want complete control of the Middle East to benefit the State of Israel???

      Check your Side…..

      …..before you attack the Other….

      • goodspkr

        You are delusional Skeptic.

        • Skeptic

          How so……oh Great Mind???

          • goodspkr

            Republicans do not want to control the Middle East to benefit the State of Israel. Israel is a benefit to the United States and other Western nations in the fact they have solved many of the problems ISIS and other radical groups are trying to export to the West.

          • Skeptic

            Israel aligns with the policies of ISIS in defeating Bashar Al Assad and Hezbollah, MORON……

            You are too stupid to debate with…..

            Learn to think before you step to this peak…..

          • goodspkr

            Too bad, sceptic, because we agreed on a lot of things. But here we separate. I’m not an anti-Semite. Sieg Heil

  • Skeptic

    When Alarmists say…..

    “CO2 is 400ppm of the Total Atmosphere”……

    We say…..

    “CO2 is 0.04% of the Total Atmosphere”….

    When Alarmists say…..

    “CO2 is a Pollutant”…..

    We say…..

    “CO2 is the Fundamental Molecular Building Block of Organic Life on Earth”…..

    If they argue…..

    We question….

    “How would any Life on Earth exist without CO2?”

    They answer…….

    “zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…….ummmm……ummmmm……zzzzzzz……you’re a DENIER!!!”


  • Harry Seaward

    We are the smartest humans to ever walk the face of the earth, just ask us.

    • Skeptic

      Are you?

  • Infophilia

    There goes more of those whistleblowers again exposing lies and corruption. Better throw them in jail with the rest of them.

    • Skeptic

      Can you argue scientifically against the Alarmists??

      That is the key to dethroning them……

      They are the Inquisitors of the Dark Ages….

      We are the Galileos…..

  • Matt Drudge

    This is the kind of phony shhit that I use to so easily manipulate the minds of my readers! It’s so awesome leading a bunch of conservatrash dimwits into the gutter every day! Thank God for stupid people! My followers actually believe this kind of nonsense propaganda over science! God is great!

    • Isandhlwana79

      Another kook heard from….LMAO!!

      • Matt Drudge

        Texas is full of conservatrash pusssies.

        • Isandhlwana79

          You look like you live in Texas. Why? You look like a pussy……..LMAO!!!!

        • Skeptic


        • FL_Stingray

          you’re flagged

    • AeolusRyder

      Ah, and the Gruberite speaks…. come on you can do better than that.

      • Matt Drudge

        ^One of my ignorant followers! Carry on good dimwit!

        • AeolusRyder

          Ah, the delusional can never see. ^

          • Matt Drudge

            You need to go back to my website and get educated, son.

          • AeolusRyder

            You need to free your closed mind kid and learn how to handle opposing views.

          • Skeptic

            We don’t visit NAMBLA, pedo…..


          • Dr Chambers

            Son? Boy, you’ve been shoot’n blanks since they kicked you out of the second grade . . . last year.

        • Skeptic

          If you only had 1 millionth of the power that Drudge has….



          • Matt Drudge

            Are you blind? I am Drudge, jackasss.

          • Skeptic

            Sure buddy….


    • Skeptic


      You’re actually a Nonsensical Idiot…..

      You’re welcome for exposing you…..

      Time for some fixing…..

      • Matt Drudge

        You Drudgetards couldn’t fix dinner if you wanted.

        • Skeptic

          Your brain is cooked….

          That’s all I know…..


          • Matt Drudge

            Says a regressive conservatard! You know, conservatism is a mental disease.

          • Skeptic


            Keep spewing your vomit…..moron….

          • Isandhlwana79

            Have another hit on the bong, kook.

          • AeolusRyder

            conservatard? your vocabulary is Archie Bunkerish. LOL. This is great, a kid out of high school getting paid by soros and believed the crap they taught him in school. motor on son, motor on.

  • Skeptic

    Leftists worry about Human Population Rise…..

    “How will we feed all these People?!?!”

    The Data has shown that Increased CO2 Emissions are Greening the Earth……

    Higher CO2 Concentrations make Plant Photosynthesis more Efficient up to 1500ppm…..

    Why aren’t the Leftists Jubilant??

    Agricultural Production can now become more Efficient and Optimal for the Growing Human Population!!!

    Oh, wait……

    That conflicts with their Religious Dogma…..


    • Matt Drudge

      cool story bro

      • Skeptic

        cool story bro……that you’re Matt Drudge….

        Mine is cooler…..and a lot more FACTUAL…..


  • Skeptic

    Leftists: “There is no evidence of the Holy Spirit or any Spiritual stuff……….according to Science”……

    Leftists: “Catastrophic Global Warming is occurring even though none of the Data accumulated confirms that Conclusion”……


    Do Leftists know themselves???

    • Matt Drudge

      I know that if civil war ever broke out, right wingers would be wiped out in a matter of hours.

      • Isandhlwana79

        Not by pussies like you…..LMAO!!!

        • Matt Drudge

          By leftists.

          • Isandhlwana79

            Leftists, by and large, are cowards and you are one of them. We don’t fear you that is for sure!

          • Matt Drudge

            You’re delusional. Leftists just don’t want ignorant trash having guns. We own you biches.

          • Isandhlwana79

            Right! You are too stupid to understand much. You can’t even think on your own………LMAO!!

          • Matt Drudge

            I control how you think, dimwit. Now, go back to my website and get educated.

          • Isandhlwana79

            You are a legend in your own mind too.!!……LMAO!!!

          • Matt Drudge

            Too, as in I’m also a legend in your mind. But we already knew that, didn’t we, Drudgebot!

          • Isandhlwana79

            hahahahaha……poor little broomstick cowboy, trying so hard to be important… is it down in mommy’s basement…..LMAO!!!!

          • Matt Drudge

            Oh, I see. I’m dealing with another mental midget here. But, we already knew that. Now, go back to my website and take a lesson.

          • Isandhlwana79

            ooooohhhh….so clever. You really are stupid. ooops! I hear your Mommy calling you for dinner……LMAO!!!!

      • goodspkr

        Not likely. The left wingers would be gathered in their “safe space” condemning anyone with a gun. They would quickly find out that words are not as bad as bullets.

        • Matt Drudge

          I promise I have more guns than you, conservatrash.

          • goodspkr

            So what? You’d be fighting alone.

          • Dr Chambers

            Don’t shoot your eye out with that Red Ryder BB gun, kid.

  • Skeptic

    Leftists: “We represent the Fact Based Community in the American Political Spectrum”…..

    Leftists: “Michael Brown was a innocent College Bound Dreamer…….a Gentle Giant…..mowed down by a Racist White Cop Killer….


    ….CO2 is a Killer Pollutant”……


    How do so many Americans fall for this Stupidity????

    • AeolusRyder

      They have been indoctrinated. Some are waking up because the facts are too obvious to ignore.

      • Skeptic

        I hope the Blatancy of the Factual Inerrancy grows even more obvious…….

  • Matt Drudge

    This is the kind of phony shhit that I use to so easily manipulate the
    minds of my readers! It’s so awesome leading a bunch of conservatrash
    dimwits into the gutter every day! Thank God for stupid people! My
    followers actually believe this kind of nonsense propaganda over
    science! God is great!

    • DD Boyle

      A legend in your own mind.

    • usathoughts

      I am confident that the Real Mat Drudge will take note of my recent eMail regards this post. What you are doing is Slander and subject to a lawsuit. Perhaps even to the level of a hate crime. Not to worry if the prosecutor is a Democrat.

      • BigRichardDaddyCane

        LOL…I was trying to explain the same thing to this idiot above!! Thanks!

        • usathoughts

          Was just thinking about the eMail sent to the Drudge business office. This could prove to cause this man unreasonable hardship. Opinion is one thing, stealing a man’s identity can & should have consequences. Even so, have suffered hardship without ability to adequately respond. Like you said, this man is an idiot. In a lawsuit this site will give him up in a heartbeat.

          Perhaps if you just flagged him as I have it might get his attention to correct his behavior.

  • DD Boyle

    The more NOAA delays turning records over the more they look like the ilk of Lois Lerner or Hillary.

    • Matt Drudge

      Nobody cares what you think loser.

      • goodspkr

        You should read this posting to yourself before you post anything here.

        • Matt Drudge

          Go back to my website and get educated, bich.

          • DD Boyle


        • DD Boyle


      • DD Boyle

        Poor Matt. A self-fulfilling prophecy.

  • Matt Drudge

    Only the most ignorant human filth on Earth deny science.

    • goodspkr

      So with no hot spot and no climate model within the 2% confidence level, that means all the alarmists like yourself are by your own definition ignorant human filth.

      • Matt Drudge

        Oh, you actually swallowed that propaganda! Cute!

        • goodspkr

          You actually have an idea of what a hot spot is or what the 2% confidence level is? Let’s talk.

          First question. Give my in your own words what the AGW hypothesis is.

          • Isandhlwana79

            He has NO clue…..just another ignorant dummy.

          • Matt Drudge

            Let’s hear your opinion, dimwit!

          • Isandhlwana79

            He asked YOU, moron.

          • Matt Drudge

            I own you bich. Now, either go back to my website, or let’s hear it.

          • Isandhlwana79

            You own nothing but your fantasies……LMAO!!

          • Matt Drudge

            I own all of you Drudgetards.

          • Isandhlwana79

            You wish you were Matt Drudge. He evidently OWNS you……..!!! L. M. A. O. hahahahahahahha

          • Matt Drudge

            I bet you live in middle-America, and that you’re a redneck.

          • Isandhlwana79

            try again, fool……you are wrong about everything…..poor delusional clown who wishes he was Matt Drudge……,,he OWNS you………hahahahahahaha

          • Matt Drudge

            Okay, then tell us. Where do you live?

          • Isandhlwana79

            why? Matt Drudge OWNS you…….LMAO!!!!

          • Matt Drudge

            Of course he does. He is me.

            Now, admit it. You live in Oklahoma.

          • goodspkr

            MD, aren’t you going to answer my question? You make is seem like you don’t really know anything about the climate.

          • Matt Drudge

            No. Arguing with a dimwit is a complete waste of time.

          • goodspkr

            OKay here is a one word answer which doesn’t require any arguing.

            According to the IPCC what is the one major area they don’t have a handle on regarding climate change.

            I only need the one word.

            I’ll just wait here for you to come up with it and show that you really know something about the climate.

          • goodspkr

            I’m still waiting for your response.

          • Matt Drudge

            Go read my website.

          • goodspkr

            It’s not there. In your own words what is the basic AGW hypothesis? It’s not that complicated, but once you give the alarmist version I’ll give you where the skeptics differ and we can then talk about it.

    • Dean Wormer – Faber College

      Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.

    • realclearconservative

      Tell that to those SCIENCE DENIERS!! who believe that removing a man’s penis and giving him fake breasts makes him a woman. Talk about ignorant filth!

  • BigRichardDaddyCane

    My Father was a chemical engineer and science guy all his life…he used to say to me “Son too many scientists believe it’s true for it not to be happening!”. I could never figure out why he couldn’t see the lies…and then I realized one day in his time scientists were beyond reproach and honorable!!! He died before he got to know the of kind of dirtbags being called scientists these days :-(

    • Matt Drudge

      Your father was a real man. You are an ignorant conservatrash bich.

      • goodspkr

        Do you really think conseratrash is clever?

        • Matt Drudge

          Don’t you agree that it’s fitting?

          • goodspkr

            No, I think it it childish.

          • Matt Drudge

            Ha! A child thinking something is childish! Then go play!

          • goodspkr

            Sigh. Someone who thinks he is clever proves he doesn’t have the slightest idea of what it means.

      • BigRichardDaddyCane

        An insult from a c u n t like you is….well a medal of honor!

      • DD Boyle

        And you’re a poser.

  • Richard Right

    Political appointees lied and deceived supporting global warming. Shocking

  • Alg0re

    The earth has a fever… and the only solution to cure that fever is to send me a whole lot of money in exchange for carbon credits which I will send you and heal that fever. The carbon credits are in a lovely designed gift package and registered in the copyright office – you know just like the international star registry.

    • Matt Drudge

      Cool story bro

      • BigRichardDaddyCane

        hey arseclown…did you ever stop to think the real Matt Drudge has an easy legal case against you for posting comments under both his picture and his name?

        • Homer Simpson


        • Matt Drudge

          You would think that, wouldn’t you, dimwit?

          You should learn about the First Amendment. But then again, the Constitution doesn’t mean much to you conservatard losers.

          • BigRichardDaddyCane

            Guess you don’t understand law…

          • Matt Drudge

            Matt Drudge is a public figure, dimwit. Get educated.

          • BigRichardDaddyCane

            No worried idiot I know a good lawyer who can get the penalties reduced!

          • Matt Drudge

            Penalties for what, dimwit?

          • BigRichardDaddyCane

            (1) A person commits criminal impersonation if he knowingly assumes a false or fictitious identity or capacity, and in such identity or capacity he: (d) Does an act which if done by the person falsely impersonated, might subject such person to an action or special proceeding, civil or criminal, or to liability, charge, forfeiture, or penalty; or (e) Does any other act with intent to unlawfully gain a benefit for himself or another or to injure or defraud another.

            Good luck in court defending it kid!!!

  • Bruce Wayne

    The entire system is corrupt.

    • Matt Drudge


      • I’m watching you

        You need to get off the computer soon. Your mom didn’t get her midget porn fix yet today. She’ll be banging on your basement bedroom door pretty soon. You know how cranky she gets when you hog the computer.

        And clean up the Twinkie wrappers and empty Mountain Dew cans before you get grounded again.

        • Hoax & Chains!

          Kudos to Matt Drudge for all the great work he does in exposing the complete fraud of the leftist media! Climate change, global freezing, global cooling, global warming, climate disruption or what ever the name the Marxist fraudsters want to call it their new religion is a complete scam. It’s simply an excuse to extract more taxes from the public, exert more control over everything especially things they don’t have enough control over now! These climate fraudsters belong in prison!

  • usathoughts

    The science of climatology! What science? Can anyone point to one Peer Reviewed Publication? Scientists do NOT offer conjecture. What article have you read wherein the researchers credentials are given.

    In a decade these same people will be crying over Climate Cooling. The Sun has Seasons with Winter approaching. With this particular Winter approach Earth is the target. This is NOT conjecture but rather real science. What cannot be know is the severity.

    Climate change? Certainly, with every breath. Climate Warming? Enjoy it while you can!

    By the way. If in the South plant fruit bearing trees in 2022, by 2030 should have bumper crops.

  • jamesbaker11

    97% of climate scientists ignore the sun. ROFL. Coal is coming back as we approach the Maunder minimum and the new ice age kicks in in a decade or less.

  • Major

    Ok so the head cheer leader for this cult of climate madness Obamawaow is going to save the earth by flying to Turkey then to Asia then back to the US and then back to France all in less than 10 days. Along with the flights carbon foot print what about all the vehicles for his high preistessness, extra man hours of local protection… I could go on and on. If he just stayed home the temperature of the globe would predictably drop us into a mini ice age. Watch just as soon as he is out of office it will happen and we can all blame Obumer.

  • Mister Duke

    How can climate science be considered classified or privileged? What are these pseudo-scientists hiding? I think that we already know…hide the decline as they say.

  • Sitting_Duck

    Its time to classify the “Science of Climatology” as a religion, albeit pretty much the same as Islam,
    they could use the University of East Anglia as the mother church and all of the so called scientists could put on Yellow robes and walk around London begging for Leftover Curry.

    Best part though is. Think of all the money we could save.
    Because the government is not allowed to fund churches.
    Hell if we spent all the money we saved on the Vets, the Vet’s could have the best health care in the world.
    sounds like a Win Win to me

  • Hoax & Chains!

    Climate change, global freezing, global cooling, global warming, climate disruption or what ever the name the Marxist fraudsters want to call it their new religion is a complete scam. It’s simply an excuse to extract more taxes from the public, exert more control over everything especially things they don’t have enough control over now! These climate fraudsters belong in prison!

  • VertexWolf

    People just need to start doing class action lawsuits against these places. Can you imagine the jobless claims once the real truth comes out that man has extremely little effect on climate and that all these stupid “climate propogandists” are just hot air.

  • Angelicus1

    “Global Warming” is a hoax.

    • goodspkr

      No, things like global warming start out as an idea, become a movement, and then a business and finally ends up a racket. AGW is in the last stage.

  • eyes_open46

    If you look at temperature sampling data methods, compare that to satellite data and actually look at the numbers, you’ll see this is not science but a mix of politics and religion.

    • OldOllie

      That’s an unfair comparison to religion. This is nothing but corrupt politics.

  • rightside100

    If there was nothing to hide she would have released them.

    • OldOllie

      Have you forgotten “the decline?”

  • dabba

    Dang it, if I had gotten in on the ground floor of this ponzi scheme, I would be rich right now, just Al Gore. He’s made many, many millions off this lie. And the best part? Since the federal government helping propagate the lie, no one is going to go to jail. Win-win for all the con-artists involved.

  • randy s

    Obama subverts yet another government agency for political ideology.
    Banana Republic behavior at it’s best. Thanks Democrats.

  • TroyGale

    More folks who have published a darn good analysis of the Global Warming Scam.
    It is a 190+ page pdf, but well worth your time.
    Link below, Regards

  • Mohammed_Goldberg

    The best way to counter the false global warming scheme is just have all democRATS and liberals quit breathing. This would reduce the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere and all the hot air from them being gone would cool the planet at least 1.2 degrees.

  • dj righteous

    i just luv me some big government science. of course any real science would be done out in the open and invite skeptics to challenge its theories. follow the money.

  • Warp Speed

    Won’t turn over internal communications = report is filled with lies.

  • potus/PATHETIC

    noaa…as credible as B O, barak obama!!! LOL

  • OldOllie

    There is STILL no context in which “hide the decline” can be construed to mean anything except “falsify the data.” Apparently, they’re still at it.

    Global warming is a hoax so liberals can boss people around and take their stuff. Anyone who’s too stupid to have figured that out by now is too stupid to be allowed to run loose in Walmart, let alone drive or vote.

  • Michael K

    Climate Change is the change remaining in your pocket after the Govt. taxes the crap out of you to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
    Which by the way is going to choke out the plants which produce oxygen which will in turn choke us out. Great Plan

  • DaveGinOly

    It’s simply not credible that some 60+ other researchers and groups of researchers came up with various theories explaining the pause, when all that was necessary was to make yet another adjustment to the temperature record, as did NOAA. Were they all really that blind? Or is NOAA pulling a fast one (while inadvertently discrediting some of their confederates)? My vote is for the latter.

  • SamIamTwo

    Man those gov’t employees need to be thinned out…

Brophy Friday 20 November 2015 - 12:36 am | | Brophy Blog, Global Warming

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