the National Intelligence Council Report: Global Trends 2030 bears out the fact that certain populations are in decline, some with negative growth. Examples: Russia, Germany, Japan, the Chinese workforce, Spain, France, to mention a few. Fortunately, the USA population is growing, and so is the strategic influence of the USA, partly because of high fertility rates and immigration, most of which is illegal. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach talks about one of the drivers behind population decline. PLEASE LISTEN TO HIM - HE IS ON TARGET.

Joe, I find the Rabbi to be discussing an interesting take on Marriage and population growth, but I am in no position to comment on whether he is correct or way off base.  It seems to me that the sexual revolution of the 60s while proposing to liberate folks from the rigid structures in society re: sex in fact had a more serious and sinister consequence.  It tore down the fabric of marriage.  As this process was going on, the Gay and Lesbian community was finding its voice and acceptance in society.  So, what is it the Gay and Lesbian community really is really seeking?  Why societies acceptance of their relationships as valid marriage - just when marriage as an institution is on the rocks.  Don't they realize they are seeking passage on the Titanic?  It never ceases to amaze me, the longer I live and observe society and its progress (?) the clearer and more inspired the old Baltimore Catechism becomes.  Simple little questions and answers that taught true knowledge and insight.  As Molly used to say to Fibber McGee, "Keep it simple."  Tom.  Tom; couldn’t agree more; joe

Brophy Monday 30 June 2014 - 01:07 am | | Brophy Blog

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