Kahn Academy - Revolutionary Education Site!

Check out the site: http://www.khanacademy.org/

THE KAHN ACADEMY SITE IS REVOLUTIONARY: and will dwarf FACEBOOK and GOOGLE in impact in the years ahead. Parents and Grandparents with students should use this site to brush up and gain some expertise about the site.  They should encourage their children to use the site to test their skills and most importantly to fill in the gaps in their knowledge base. It is essential HOMESCHOOLING. AND it is truly a sensational resource at our fingertips. If you have a tutor for your children, then ask the tutor to utilize the features of KhanAcademy.  It contains thousands of 12 minutes visual lectures and tutorials on academic subjects. It also includes SAT practice tutorials.

Link here to KhanAcademy.org.  it is FREE.  Your child/grandchild's education depends on it. 

Brophy Wednesday 17 August 2011 - 10:24 am | | Brophy Blog

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