Tag overview for: 'u.s.'

Entries on this site with 'u.s.'

    September 16, 2011 6:30 PM Print Text Obama's approval rating drops to all-time low; Public split on jobs plan By Kevin Hechtkopf Topics Polling , White House , Campaign 2
  • National Debt Clock
    Click on graph to activate real time data;  hover over any number category for explanation which is shown near the top of the graph.  Note the tab buttons at the bottom of

Related tags

2008, 2012, act, aja, american, approval, bachmann, blame, blame_game, bloehner, campaign, cbs, cbs_news, clinton, congress, conservatives, cut, democrats, direction, direction_of_economy, economy, gop, hillary, house, house_seat, hunsman, job, job_performance, jobs, jobs_reports, liberals, obama, palin, party, paul, payroll, payroll_tax_cut, performance, perry, poll, polling, polls, president_obama, public, rating, republicans, rich, romney, ron_paul, tax, tax_cut, tax_the_rich, tea, tea_party, us, wh, white, white_house, wrong_track

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