The six best jobs in the usa are 1. systems engineer; 2. mathematician; 3. actuary; 4. statistician; 5. computer systems analyst and 6. meteorologist. All requires analytic and logical skills. What does it mean? A paradign shift is of monumental proposrtions is underway. We are transitioning from a manfacturing economy to an information economy. The change is occuring at exponential rates and we are well past the knee of the curve. Human knowledge and human skill sets (such as poetry, virtuosity, arts, gaming, legal, medical etc) are being codified into "expert" computer programs, are all soon to be residing on a tiny chip. Worker productivity (labor, technical, managerial) is being significanly enhanced creating unemployment for unskilled labor.
What is an information economy? Study the nature of the top exisitng jobs and you will find the essence of the answer.
What is an information economy? Study the nature of the top exisitng jobs and you will find the essence of the answer. check out:
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