Saint Patrick's Pipe Band & History

Saint Patricks Pipe Band 

Glastonbury CT

This website is sponsored by and the highly acclaimed
and legendary Saint Patricks Pipe Band, a not-for-profit educational
and cultural organization located at the Irish American Home in Glastonbury CT.

The Saint Patricks Pipe Band was founded in 1913 by a group of
Irish/Scottish immigrants living in a small community
about 20 miles outside of Hartford CT in the town of
Manchester, which became a hotbed a piping excellence, producing
at least five pipe bands, including a Grade 1 Band, viz: The Manchesster Pipe Band.

Several members of the Band are believed to be direct descendants of St. Patrick,
who was married and had many children prior to his spiritual re-awakening
and rebirth in the priesthood of the then
fledgling Celtic Monastic Catholic Church.

[work in progress]  this site is very extensive but access is probably limited for most new visitors, while it is being remodeled and restored.

Brophy Wednesday 25 August 2010 - 8:56 pm | |

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Jessy Matthews
Jessy Matthews , - 20-02-’20 02:32
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