Kearsarge Marine's Rocco Zullo Honored


Janet “Zooey” Zullo stands with her father, Rocco Zullo, at Cedar Hill Assisted Living in Windsor. His experiences while serving as a Marine First Sargent during the battle at the Chosin Reservoir in Korea 60 years ago, including a nearly fatal stomach wound, are detailed in the new book, "Give Me Tomorrow," by military historian Patrick O’Donnell. (Valley News — James M. Patterson)

Brophy Wednesday 08 December 2010 - 1:01 pm | | Kearsarge Marines

five comments

Ed, - 11-03-’13 09:58
Jose E. Lujan
Jose E. Lujan, - 18-03-’13 15:12
Michelle Groleau
Michelle Groleau, - 23-08-’13 20:52
Janet E. Williams - Abbott
Janet E. Williams - Abbott, - 05-04-’14 19:58
Robert Hoferer
Robert Hoferer, - 28-02-’16 01:26
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