Allison Brophy: Saving Lives with Drexel EMS

Posted Jun 4 2013 - 12:38pm

Feel comforted, Dragons. Even if you did not know it, the Drexel University Emergency Medical Services team is there for you in times of need.

Since 2010, Drexel EMS has helped the Philadelphia Emergency Medical Services units already in place by giving immediate medical care to Drexel’s main campus and community in the event of an emergency. In addition to their 7pm-7am shifts Thursdays through Saturdays, Drexel EMS also serves as stand by support for your favorite DU events like Spring Jam and Greek Week.

EMS, this year’s Student Organization of the Year, is led by pre-junior nursing major Allison Brophy. After working her way through the ranks from Scheduling Officer to Chief, Brophy has brought major recognition to this important organization.

“Drexel EMS is certified with the Pennsylvania Department of Health as a quick response service (QRS), rendering quick, stabilizing aid, from the time you call for EMS, to the time a Philadelphia Fire Department unit arrives,” Brophy says. “Our statistics show that our average response time to a campus/community medical emergency is less than 3.6 minutes. In comparison to that of the Philadelphia Fire Departments of 18.5 minutes, this is huge.”

Drexel EMS is made up of 34 volunteers, the majority of which are Pennsylvania Department of Health certified Emergency Medical Technicians with additional members who have CPR or first responder training and are looking to further their certification.

“Being acknowledged as this year’s Student Organization of the Year was by far my proudest and most gratifying experience here at Drexel. The impact our students make on campus is invaluable. It may be Drexel EMS's name on our award, but it might as well be the names of every member who gives up their Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights to provide emergency medical care to those in need,” Brophy says.

Brophy’s favorite part of Drexel EMS has been watching the growth of the program over its first three years. After founder Dominic DeAngelo, since graduated, worked for two years to create the organization, it’s a wonder Drexel EMS has done so much. “It is very exciting for me to look back on how far we have come and to look forward to where we will go in the future,” Brophy says.

In her arduous position as Chief, Brophy must regulate the organization not only on the university level, but on the city and state-wide levels as well. These responsibilities have led her to develop her time management, public relations, delegation, and communication skills.

“There is no doubt in my mind that these skills and experiences have directly carried over into co-op,” Brophy says. She currently is employed by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Cooper University Hospital, where she began as a nursing co-op.

“Leading Drexel EMS has opened a tremendous number of doors for me, providing various networking opportunities by working so closely with Drexel Public Safety, Drexel Police, and Drexel College of Medicine Dept. of Emergency Medicine at Hahnemann Hospital,” she says.

After graduating Brophy plans to stay in Philadelphia and get a full time job as a nurse in an ER or critical care unit – but she isn’t stopping there. “After getting a few years under by belt I play to return to school for my masters as a nurse practitioner,” she says.

Due to the time commitment involved, Brophy says, “Drexel EMS has become a part of my daily life similar to going to class. Dealing with constant emails, meetings, coordination and communication among departments, and other administrative roles have become a constant.”

Despite this, Brophy maintains other extracurricular activities, like being a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon, participating in intramural and club sports like soccer and lacrosse, and cycling. This all in addition to her two part time jobs at CHOP and Cooper!

Her time management skills alone could crown her Superwoman, but being a lifesaver is a title unlike any other. Just by having Allison Brophy and her team on campus, Dragons can rest easy knowing Drexel EMS is close by in those few extra minutes between life and death.

Brophy Saturday 08 June 2013 - 6:26 pm | | Brophy Blog

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